Monday, December 27, 2010

Tonight is special

Today is special. I took half a day off to feed the pups and dogs at the farm. Orange was disobedient, and I had woven a whip to discipline any one who dare to fight next time. I did not forget Rose, Daisy and Wang in Singapore. I bought three cans of treats, which should last them at least a month. I gave each of them a bone and a piece of hide. Rose almost had half a bone finished when I left today.

I got a call from Gohzi tonight. It was special to receive a call from a friend lost for at least a year. She called to thank me for the birthday and X'mas cards I sent her last week. I thought I heard her almost crying. But I think those should be happy tears. I am glad, for I know I still have a friend.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Blank perfection

If I could see my life (or the way I live it) as a piece of paper, I would like for it to be a blank piece of paper. Nothing written by myself, by others or by the situation.

If it has to be an organiser, I want it to have not a single entry, no timing to meet, no deadline to rush, no clients to meet, no gathering to attend.

I want my life not to be dictated by others, not guessed, not assumed, not manipulated.

I want my legs to bring me wherever I like, without an end destination. If I am lost, I want to enjoy being lost.

p.s. Onion said that I am not a bad person, but 'ruthless'.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dark ray

Onion told me - during my trip to vehicle servicing at Jackson and wife's shop - that I should just brush off certain pissing events as isolated, one-off incidents. But I told myself, I should not be overly concerned about other people's feeling.

I pictured a dark ray coming out of a cathode ray tube, shining towards a mirror. The light bounces off and got reflected to a few more mirrors. And the process is repeated.

Why should that mirror even prolong its stay in that position perpendicular to the incident? It got me thinking.

I am slightly affected that today, my colleague is showing an upset face. I tried to be concerned, but I think I am being a busy body, and for that, I was punished with a cold shoulder and more black face. Well, fine, lesson well learnt.

p.s. Where has Nini been the whole day?

Monday, December 13, 2010


As I returned from my Thailand trip, I have been thinking about the journey and of the perfect - at least perfect to me - lifestyle. I came to realised that I do not desire much in life. Not the 5C's not that perfect wife, not the soulmate, not really much.

No work stress. As I toured Ayutthaya, I see the simple life the people are leading. Not chasing after much and not needing much. And as a tourist in the Kingdom, I followed their 'sanuk' lifestyle. When I'm lost, I indulge in getting lost and seeing new things.

No complicated relations. With my best friend, we did all sorts of nonsensical things and need not worry about the looks of others. He released a fart into the face of a masseuse and I was not worried the masseuse would spout rubbish behind us because, partly, I think he would not and secondly, I do not care.

Well, if only reality were that good. But if everything is perfect, perfection, in itself, would be imperfect. Let me constantly remind myself to move towards that 'sanuk', carefree or couldn't-care-less, lifestyle. Life would not be lacking colours then, the colours merely got simpler.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I'm back..

to reality, which can be so cruel at times. To add insult to the injury, I have to receive a customer call the moment I board the taxi for home.

Talking about the good things of this trip. I am happy to be fortunate enough to celebrate, with the Thais, the birthday of His Majesty the King of Thailand Bhumiphol Adulyadej. Everyone dressed in pink t-shirt, which I later found out from Auntie Jintana that pink is for wishing of good health to the King of Thailand, who has been admitted to the hospital some time back. I wished I had a pink t-shirt, for I too, wanted to send some well wishes to the King...

Now, I am back in my work station, thinking about my next trip, not knowing when it will come...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Before I leave

In the final hours before setting off for the land of smiles' city of angels, I got 2 calls from the event planners of a customer. It was irritating. Very irritating. I wanted to give her a piece of my mind, but I do not want to mess up my own holiday mood.

I woke up the usual time this morning and could not get back to sleep again. I hope I can make up for some eye-shut later on the plane. Some inauspicious thought ran through my mind last night when I left in the longing gaze of Rose. Will I be caught in an aircraft accident? Or will I meet with some mishap in the foreign land?

Before I left, I fed Nini-the-cat her favourite pouched fish, patted Rose, Daisy and Ah-Wang, paying particular attention to Rose, the old lady. Topped up the dog's food container. Bought a new pack of Nini's dry food and 3 rows of pouched fish.

What I will worry about? Will Rose be scared dead in another thunderstorm? Will Nini have enough water to drink, lest she drink from the waste water pail? Will there be people feeding Daisy when Ah-Wang finishes her food? Will there be someone opening the gate, asking Ah-Wang to return to the warehouse and not roam outside?

I will return.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Geh Zhua

There is something call Geh Zhua. And there is something call failed Geh Zhua. Someone tried to act like she is a good customer service personnel. But she tried to hard. Anyway, ok.. Just a joke for my morning.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


If I have to say something bad about National Service, it really has to be that it disrupts all my education plans, that is, non-academic wise. I had plans to sign up for a certification course with either SCAL or BCA, but I had 2 concerns. One, my holiday plans from 4th Dec to 7th Dec. Two, National Service. I had to give up the SCAL option because of concern number one, and I had to give up the entire plan to go for the course because of concern number 2. Since, this course runs for 6 months from January, and my call up starts on the 4th May 2011, I could not attend the course and I am effectively 6 months slower in life. Bad luck.

On my way to toilet today. I saw Nini at the far end laundry area. It puzzled as Nini do not usually venture that far out. She was not looking too at ease. I whistled her out and carried her back, gave her some chow and top up her water and carried on with my latrine plan. When I am back, her eyes were shining and she was looking much happier. I do not know what had happen before that, but I hope she is ok.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Enmity lost

I think I might have let down any enmity between Martian and me. Perhaps I am comparing the Fool with the Martian. Come to think of it. We just need someone to listen to the phone, properly, and take down enquiries/orders, properly and type simple stuff, properly. And I could do with less stupid questions and politics, and irritating behaviour.

Perhaps, that's too much.

Monday, November 1, 2010


I am alone at home, but I am enjoying this piece of peace. Sitting in front of my macbook, with the fan blowing away my stress and sore from the day. Siuzhen auntie just called to ask about the toilet, which I thought I had ordered. I checked with Cynthia, who affirmed me that the delivery has been made. I called auntie and told her that, settled. And why was the call made in the first place?

Never mind.

My new colleague proved more difficult that imagined. Complained about how Rose, Daisy and Wang and Nini-the-cat scare the hell out of her. Complained about how the heat in the office is melting her. Teach her, complain. Don't teach her, complain. Toilet too far, complain. Complain about this, complain about that. Not the best way to start the first work day.

Frankly, I fear more the human heart than the fangs of the deadliest serpents.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Difficult times

I am seeing the two faces of some of my colleagues. When boss is here, they behave so co-operative, be it with each other or with me. However, when boss went on a holiday recently, the supervisor upped his level of laziness, fat driver show attitude, old driver tried to play leader. The victim? Me.

Today, I came in with 2 aims: Finish all my deliveries, and make life difficult for the folks. I'm not sure whether I can do the latter, but the former is definitely do-able.

Good luck and best wishes, Shureido.

p.s. Maybe I'll just add in another task, to buy chicken rice for Rose, Daisy and Ah Wang. Nini-the-cat had her pouch this morning.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Suffer today

Today has been particularly suffering. I have to wake up at 630am in the morning, send my father to the airport, and I was thinking of going to SAFRA for a morning swim. When I reached SAFRA Mt Faber, the pool was not open (quite strangely at 740am), wasted trip. I made my way to the office to clear up some stuff.

ZZ came in at 830am. Good friend indeed.

I dragged my weary body through the day. Drove to Jurong Point for a MOS Burger lunch. Jenny asked me what sauces I would like to have and I ordered my usual combination of chilli sauce and mustard. The server came with every sauce but what I ordered.

When I got back to the office, Muni called me to ask whether I could help with some work, which I had to oblige, for that was not really a favour asked, but a threat issued. Keong expressed his stand that he would not be attending the dinner tonight, which is already scarce in attendance. I would not have felt so pissed if he had not told me he might be attending yesterday. Anyway, now that I know what kind of colleagues I have, I know just the distance to keep in the future. Afterall, I am not the boss, they can reject my invitation anytime. I know ZZ would accompany me for that dinner anytime, if he could make it.

On a side note, I felt disgusted by the death of Paul the Octo. I am disgusted by how human beings mourn / celebritise the death of an Octopus, a psychic one to be precise, but remain oblivious to the culling of stray dogs who can be anytime more loyal than a piece of sashimi.

Enough said, today, please end soon.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Gohzi is back

It's funny. I really though she is dead, un-jokingly. On the 22nd Oct, I got a message "Shureido! Is it your birthday today?" I was confused. Firstly, I thought she was either dead, or migrated, or I have been ignored, secondly, my birthday was long gone and far away still. I then learn about her current state of affairs, but did not probe much into the silent period.

Anyhow, it's good to have a friend back in contact.

New Gold

Saturday, October 23, 2010

My beloved greasy cat, where are you?

Our affinity on lasted half a day.
You are gone, and I do not know where.
But wherever you are, be good and eat well.
You'll be in my heart.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day at farm (16.10.10)

My best friend has a problem, socially. However, I could sum up the entirety of the event in a word - childish. Not that my best friend is childish, but the undergraduates classmates he has are downright childish.

When I hear his narration of the episode, I am engulfed in an amalgam of anger and jest. And to be quite blunt, I actually despise the 'undergraduates' involved. The actions they are responsible for could not have been committed by anyone in excess of a junior college student's intellect.

Today, I went in to the farm. The joy of meeting a new squad of puppies had to be countered with a sad meeting of Rotted Head. When I see him, I am quite distortedly surprised that he is still alive, though I believe that he will not be living for more than 3 days from today. I do not wish to describe what I see here for I do not know who will be reading this.

Ah Gold, as usual, was quite ecstatic to see my arrival at her lodge. And I was just as happy to see her. I thought of how different would her life have been had I smuggled her into Singapore last year. Well, nothing is going to change now. Her home is fixed.

If there is any higher being, please give Rotted Head a clean ending without further suffering.

Friday, October 15, 2010

As of 15/10/10, Neleh is gone

"I'm not signing it."
"I've given you my resignation letter."
"But this is our exit policy. Leaving employees have to sign it."
"Other companies I worked with do not require this."
"This is our company's policy. We just need you to declare that we have not owe you any monies and that you will not leak our confidential information to outside."
"I will not do it."
"How can I be sure? If you can say this, why can't you sign against it? I am not asking you of something unreasonable, am I?"
"Can I take your silence as a 'yes'?"
"I don't understand it, I do not want to sign."
"I've already explained to you line by line, you are not observing our company's policy. You simply do it your own way, put down a resignation and leave, have you respected our company's procedure?"
"I don't know, other companies I worked for don't need this kind of signing."
"Well, you are breaching our procedure, so, now I am NOT accepting your resignation, please take it back, you are FIRED. Please go."

The rest is history.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I hate life, this week

I have been hating my life thus far this week.

I have an irritating and unproductive (work-wise) colleague who make my life a misery with her questions an idiot could score flying colours for, and her repetitive questions, her slow typing, her lousy spelling, her black teeth, her stinking breathe, everything.

My hard work on sourcing for a product was met with the most unappreciative gesture from my boss. All I needed was either a "Yes, we shall buy it" or "No, it is too costly", and not "Buy in Singapore also around that price leh."

Instead of empathising my bad days, my mother has to call me in the middle of the day to tell me to send her to the airport at 5am on Friday. As if work is not enough to kill me.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Weird things happened

I have been swimming quite a bit recently.

Today, the strangest things happened to me. I was showering in the very last cubicle along the row of showers. Opposite my cubicle was another person (a guy obviously because it wasn't a mixed bathroom), another guy, apparently his friend, was standing outside his cubicle, seemingly waiting for him to finish his business inside. The guy outside called out to the one inside, and the latter answered, and the repeated this a couple of times.

Then, when the one inside was done. They changed into their clothes outside the cubicle. Now, these cubicle doors were made of tempered glass, approximately 8-feet high, opaque for most of the door other than the transparent 2-feet at the top and bottom. One could easily look in without much effort I would say. I guess the designer of the toilet must have thought that users of the club are all straight guys nonchalant to peeping at others.

One of the stepped onto the bench to switch the fan. I do not know whether he was peeking into my cubicle (as i was back facing the door) which was no further than 2-feet from his point, but every time I turned back to get another dose of soap, I saw the duo, looking away. I took a phone call and spoke for 5 minutes, and after my call, they were still there, and I was halfway through my shower. Just before I was done showering, they left.

Now that was really weird. Were they full-time man oglers? I didn't really care, I have lost nothing.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010


A new colleague join our company since Sherlyn started her undergraduate course. However, the latest addition proved less than productive, if not counter-productive. Stubborn, deaf to instructions, smart... alec, and repeat the three for three times.

On several occasions, I was on the verge of letting go some vulgarities, but my rationality got the better of me and I managed to bury it. Not sure if she will pass the three-month probation period, but a (big) part of me secretly hope that she would not. I would rather not stay back after office hour to clear up the thrash that has been left undone, like what I was doing before I post this.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


On 18th August, I visited 2IC's father's wake at Jln Membina. I am a day late because I am undecided about whether I should visit the day before, hence, I was alone. But, whether I was alone or part of a crowd does not matter because the objective was to offer 2IC some mental support and to let him know that his men is concerned about his well-being.

I reach the wake at 330pm, and the place was fairly deserted. I spotted a man in No.4 and thought was 2IC, and as I approached, I realised it was Col Ang Yau Choon. Oops, wrong time to visit. I was invited to sit at that very table and 3 of us had some talk, both t he relevant and irrelevant.

I could tell 2IC was really sad, but had masked his feeling within his tough physique. But at least, he was prepared, both physically and mentally.

I left at 415pm.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Ah Wang - Date of Arrival: 14th August 2010

This post is two days late.

Ah Wang - Daisy's nephew - came to my workplace to join Rose, Daisy and Nini-the-cat. To describe him, he is a fat lad about 2 times of his auntie and wears the same Brindle coat like Daisy.

Initially, he is expectedly shy. Now, he's opened up, though not fully. Today, he went for his first walk in my improvised harness, and I could tell he thoroughly enjoyed it, so do I.

The next programme for Ah Wang - weight loss and exercise.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


There are things I cannot bear to let go. At the back of my mind, I have my paternal grandparents whom I had dedicated an essay to, which later came out in a memoir published by the National Library Board. Now, I knew I had my little memories with them on record. At the front of my mind, I had my 3 dogs and 2 cats, whom I could never stop worrying. When Daisy passed some watery motion stuff today, I suddenly recalled Apple's incident, which would forever be a pain in my heart. And whenever I see Nini, I am reminded of Mini, whom I thought I owed a good life. Rose is my loyal friend, one who never leave me when I need company. She do not tell on me, she do not mind anything I am bad for, all she ask for is my hands for licking and a nice dunk in her drinking bowl on a hot day.

I recalled my days alone in the BizIT library before the commencement of karate classes, until Shuyan came into my life, we spent a couple of months together before my training, and then she disappeared suddenly; which later turned out to be a conspiracy I do not fancy narrating. So were the solo sessions in Lot One's cinema, theatre 4 row D; I sat with my glass of chilled Ribena and New Balance sweater. As were the 2km walks to CDANS club for swims, and the walk back. Last week, I was asked the question whether I could miss my Chinese colleagues when they return to their homeland, I could not give an answer. As I think deep, I realised that the only thing that I can get used to is, perhaps, loneliness.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

CCK Kittens

I walked down the staircase of the multi-storey carpark and spotted her (gender still unsure) sitting at a corner, looking out to the direction of the link hall, seemingly waiting for the return of someone dear. It's the second time I am seeing her. I stroked her, no response of hostility, and I boldly stroked her more thoroughly before picking her up.

She looked at me with those innocent eyes, totally showing no signs of unease. I held her in my hands for a couple of minutes more before returning her to her place to carry on her wait. As I am typing this, I am reminded of my Mini, who died a month ago. I wish I could bring her to depot, but the thought of separating her with her family deters me.

Everytime I see her, I will worry about her future. How will the fate of the family of felines be? Will they make the estate their new home? Or will they get adopted? Perhaps some spastic residents will file a complain with the town council who will mercilessly call in the pest control. Or will they just die one day in a traffic accident? I dare not imagine.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

What I did was emotionally psycological

I created a light-hearted, stress-free atmosphere one for her. I maintain this for the whole duration she was around me. What I did was emotionally psychological, the rest was a self fulfilling prophecy.

When I felt that the moment was ripe, I told her, "I think you are going to do well for today's session." She asked how so. I say, "I just think it's going to happen that way, don't you think so?" She said she hope she will, and I tell her she will. She asked whether I would fulfil my promise that I would lend her support by driving her to her driving lesson, I said I could not because there is no vehicle I could use. But I raised her hope again by saying I would accompany her on Ah Pui's lorry to her driving school, which lifted her spirits after the light tapering.

I got her text message after her lesson and she mentioned that the instructor told her she did well today, albeit some nervousness.

I applied I think my hypnosis worked.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Stomach Training

It is one of the rare times of my life where every other day - if not everyday - is worth blogging about. Yesterday, I went through a training, specifically the stomach. I had a bit of mental preparation for the 'good' lunch, and I had the dinner in sight, but did not expect to go for it.

As the payment from Shinan has been collected, her mummy had a cheeky plan to get a treat from my father. And since her mummy could not make it for dinner, we had lunch instead. The drive to 亮记 proved to be futile as the shop had shifted. We then headed for 阿乌, and ordered a monstrous spread. A big fish, white chinese cabbage stir-fried in black vinegar and a winter melon soup in a winter melon.

She expressed interest in the dinner at Jurong East, and my father suggested that I bring her there and send her home afterwards. I jokingly stated that I would send her to Jurong East MRT station and that invited a sharp reaction from her mummy. Of course, I did not mean that.

I went through 6 courses of the dinner and signalled her to leave as she had to report to NIE the next morning. After an exchange of a few text message, the day was concluded.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Living in the moment

It has been a month or more since someone new came into my life. My office life changed from green mediocrity to detesting someone's action everyday. Then the Martian left, and office became a place I wish to stay away from every, not because of the workload, but because of the pile of mess left behind by an irresponsible individual.

Then Sherlyn came in. I guess no one can fail to befriend her because there is no need for an icebreaker in the first place. We also realised that we have several similarities and tastes, which makes communication all the more seamless. That day's embarrassing seems to have a certain bonding effect; could I say that we at least share a secret only known between us and one of our parent.

I knew rumours are flying all over the place, but when I take a step back and look with a wider angle, rumours are still rumours. Even if things happen as rumoured, it would not be because the rumourmongers are dead accurate.

Right now, I am living in the moment.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Distance Based Fare

I am beginning to wonder whether our transport fellas really know their stuff. First, they injected the idea of 'distance based fares' into us, with the much hyped and suggested association of 'lower fares'. I used the word 'inject' because an injection is something one might not like, but have to take anyway. Next, the media dropped the 'lower fare' and begin to advertise with 'fairer way to charge commuters'. Then, today's Today features this:

"Transport analysts said the impact of the distance-based fares should be seen in a wider context. While a single trip could cost more, on a multi-trip journey the overall fare could be the same or lower than before.

A commuter should also consider that his weekend travel patterns could involve fare savings that offset higher fares on weekday journeys.

And while some individuals might pay more, others in their family might pay less, so the bigger issue was whether the changes benefited entire households, analysts added."

How wide a context should a commuter be seeing other than his/her own fare? If s/he could travel from point A to B in one trip, why must s/he do a multi-trip journey? What are the 'transport analysts' trying to throw on us? And assuming most of the travelling for most people are done on the weekdays, how is it that weekend savings could offset the weekdays'? Travel more save more? But travel more also means pay more. And while some individuals pay more, the household might pay less, if the household pay less, the in-laws' household might pay less, and if that is not the case, the entire block of HDB dwellers might benefit from the distance based charge.

Well done analyst!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mid ICT Break

Perhaps today is a good day for me to log a post. I do not know why I have the down feeling since yesterday - whether it is the 7th day is Mini's departure or because I am booking in tonight.

On Friday, I return for a break from my annual ICT, and return to office on Saturday to learn that the roof had leaked water from the Monday storm. My Macbook took a shower, but was still working when I tried to use it. I spend most of the time catching up with Daisy and Rose and Nini-the-cat, and squatting at the spot where Daisy and Mini played. I could still smell the faint smell of Mini's poo as she has the habit of passing motion at the same spot and caching it. I really wish she were around at that time. Daisy has become a slightly different girl since Mini's departure, and I hope she has adapted to life without Mini, her odd baby. Rose is the same Rose. Always happy, always naughty, yet always loving.

I am booking in tonight. Tomorrow will start early.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Goodbye my Mini

Today will go down in my memory as the day where 1 month ago (20th May 2010), Mini moved from the fence, tick-stricken, rain-drenched, to my work place. Today, Mini move from my physical world, to doggy heaven, where she would find Smiling Apple looking up from a thick juicy bone. She would enjoy the same love she got from Daisy and Rose, and the least, myself.

If I say that I am not sad, I would be bluffing everyone, but not myself. In fact, my heart bleed once more from the same wound that saw Apple lose to Tetanus. But, what can I do? I do not want appear sad for the sake of the situation, yet I could not find a reason to feel otherwise. My only favour to Mini was to add 1 month to her life and make her feel love for the month.

Sorry Mini, I could not be there when you depart.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Line Fault

Last few days were hectic. For the internet went intermittent, till yesterday, the fax machine follow suit. Yesterday night, an idea struck me that it could be solved by changing the line. And this morning, boss did just that and two problems were solved.

At least now, I only had my WSH Culture assignment to fret over before going for reservice.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Saved.. hopefully

Here is something I am not particularly proud of.

On my way home today, I saw a group of Malay girls bringing, from the road to the roadside, an injured cat (let me call it Brindle for namesake). I was concerned, but not enough to go near to them and Brindle. My eyes locked in that direction as I carried on my way to the lift, with the painful cries ringing though my ears.

As I have my dinner, my heart grew heavier, for I became so worried about Brindle. My concern for Brindle became strong enough a driving force as I forgo my insignificant shower and went down to take a look after registering SPCA's telephone number on my phone. Brindle laid there beside an open pack of Whiskas food pouch, the food untouched. I called the SPCA who has already received the same report, albeit having gotten the wrong block number from the previous caller. I filled in more details for the SPCA officer and crossed my fingers.

At 7:35pm, I instinctively took a look downstairs from my flat, and there was the SPCA truck flashing the amber hazard lights. I heard the familiar meowing cries, evidence that Brindle is still alive. My mind finally returned to normal.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

You got a discount, Mingyi

For reasons not known, the court has reduced the sentence of rouge charity head - Mingyi. From the already incredibly light jail term of 10 months, Mingyi now serves only 6 months. Taking away 1/3 of the sentence for possible good conduct, he is left with 4 months.

Not a bad price to pay for pilfering the trust (see: Money) people place with him and Renci hospital. The Great Singapore Sale is around the corner, but Raymond Yeung is left out of it.

Reminder to myself:
- Do not donate to funds that help people.
- Do not donate to TV fund raising.
- Repeat the above 10 times.

"Mini" shall be her name

I had pondered over "rain", "fleas" and "fence" and all other names, but I finally decided on "Mini", simply because she is a mini version of Nini-the-cat.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The day I found her at the fence

Name: Not decided yet
Date found: 20th May 2010, 930am, picked up at 1030am
Situation: Drizzling, wet thoroughly, fleas infested. Administered Frontline spray and fed. She stayed well with the protection and love of Daisy.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Recently, I came to know of a rumoured case of 老牛吃嫩草 or "Old Cow Eating Young Grass". It is really nothing special, since it happened after Marcus Chin and Jack Neo's sagas. However, the distinctive feature about this case is that the 老牛 is a female cow.

I am not really bothered who the young bull is, but I am really disgusted and sickened by the tele-conversation that came to my ear. Today, I heard, "Very tired, no mood, sibeh xian". It really makes me wonder whether the thirty odd year old bull is asking for sex from a near sixty year old cow.

Plain disgusting.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Customer service lesson

A few days back, I spoke with a certain mister from the People's Association. Our roles in the tele-conversation were that of a service personnel (me) and customer.

This person (let's refer to him as Roy) called to ask about a quotation sent to him earlier on. Roy asked whether the quotation, which explicitly did not include any tablecloths, included any tablecloths. I replied negative. He went on to ask whether the tablecloths could be included, to which I replied him that it was possible, but would incur extra cost on his part. He pressed on to ask whether it could be free. I told him that I cannot make this decision and would consult the manager before answering him, and I did what I said. The manager mentioned that it cannot be rented for free because it would cost us quite a bit for laundry, however, the disposable table cloth could be given complimentary. I called Roy and informed him of the outcome of my consultation with the manager. I could tell he was quite disappointed by the outcome and he proposed that we provide him with two tablecloth for free. I consulted the manager again and got a negative reply with the same rationale. And I conveyed to Roy the message. And that was the point where the ugly drama started.

Roy: "Com'on, it is only two tablecloth."
Me: "We have to spend money for laundry after which."
Roy: "Your business is so big, can't you even provide me with two tablecloths?"
Me: "Whatever I can provide you complimentarily, I have already done so, for these, I cannot accede."

His offensive stance began:

Roy: "I tell you lah! You are not cut out to be a businessman, it is only two tablecloth you also want to count with me. I got other supplier about the same price also, I can go for them you know."
Me: "Well, if there is another supplier who can provide you with a better package, I would really encourage you to go for them."
Roy: "I tell you, you really cannot be a businessman. You company is so big and this small thing you also cannot give me."
Me: "Sir, since you know our company is so big, you would know that we will give you whatever we can provide for free, but I've already explained to you, the price for these two tablecloth is for laundry, what else do you want me to do?"
Roy: "It's only $6. You know, now I have not asked you for discount. I am not going to ask for discount if you provide me two tablecloth for free. If I were to ask you for discount later, it would not be just $6 you know."
Me: "Sir, I understand that you can ask for discount, but I believe it is not mandatory that we have to give it to you."
Roy: "You really don't know how to do business lah!"

He repeated the rubbish about the $6, compared to the 'discount' he thinks he was entitled to. I later directed him to talk to the manager straight. On examination of his statement, I could deduce that he is the one who cannot do the maths. If he had a supplier who was able to provide the deal for a lower price, he should have gone for it. And I do not think I am doing the wrong think to ask him to do that, because I was having his interest at mind, being a service personnel. Unless, of course, he is lying to me that he actually has another supplier, which I think could be very probable.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Flashing Amber

How world class are our transport system? The platform filled up to two-thirds at peak, despite the train arriving one after another in matter of minutes. Pathetic.

Yesterday, on the way to night classes, I had to brave through a thundering session of rain. En route, I passed by 2 junctions that has their traffic lights flashing amber, suggesting that it must have been hit by a bolt of lightning. Surprisingly, in the absence of a regulating system - forget the traffic police, they are nowhere to be seen during the storm - traffic flows systematically, with vehicles from each direction giving way at random intervals.

Is there a problem with the system?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bee Gees - Alone

I was a midnight rider on a cloud of smoke
I could make a woman hang on every single stroke
I was an iron man
I had a master plan
But I was alone

I could hear you breathing
With a sigh of the wind
I remember how your body started trembling
Oh, what a night it's been
And for the state I'm in
I'm still alone

And all the wonders made for the Earth
And all the hearts in all creation
Somehow I always end up alone
Always end up alone

So I play, I'll wait
'Cause you know that love takes time
We came so far
Just the beat of a lonely heart
And it's mine
I don't want to be alone

Well, since I got no message on your answer phone
And since you're busy every minute.
I just stay at home
I make believe you care
I feel you everywhere
But I'm still alone

I'm on a wheel of fortune with a twist of fate
'Cause I know it isn't heaven, is it love or hate
Am I the subject of the pain
An I the stranger in the rain
I am alone

And if there glory there to behold
Maybe it's my imagination
Another story there to be told

So I play, I'll wait
And I pray it's not too late
We came so far
Just a beat of a lonely heart
And it's mine
I don't want to be alone

And all the wonders made for the Earth
And all the hearts in all creation
Another story there to be told

So I play, I'll wait
And I pray it's not too late
We came so far
Just a beat of a lonely heart
And it's mine
I don't want to be alone

Gone, but not out of sight
I'm caught in the rain and there's no one home
Face the heat of the night
The one that you love's got a heart that's made of stone

Shine and search for the light
And sooner or later you'll be cruising on your ocean

And clean out of sight
I'm caught in the rain and there's no one home

Sunday, April 4, 2010


I am slightly taken aback by the shame of Singaporeans who signed up for spa packages, paying installments with their credit cards, and when the spa close down, they approach the bank, asking for a waiver of the remaining charges.

The banks have explained quite clearly, they are merely a middle party paying in advanced for the customers, like any other deals transacted on a credit card.

Why can't the Singaporeans understand simple instructions? By asking the banks to waive the charges is effectively asking the bank whether they could shop without paying money if they realised afterwards that they should not have bought the item. Or, do they know what is a credit card in the first place?

Friday, March 26, 2010

Goodbye Tze Tzar

As I was travelling to work on 195 this morning, I am clouded by a tinge of sadness that I might be losing another friend for good.

She is a server at the eating house opposite my workplace and she impresses with her excellent customer service that puts any of Singapore's own to shame. Whenever I placed my order with her, she would know and serve the red chilli that I must have with my dish. Sometimes, she would even do that when the other servers who took my order failed to do that.

She will be returning to Xiamen after continued persuasion from her husband. I could tell she really enjoyed her time here, if not for the fact that her husband could not come over.

It's sad to know that one would be losing a friend.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Our Army

I am more certain than ever that our Army is getting all the war experience that the public is proclaiming it is lacking in.

Yesterday, I was talking to an Army captain about some specifications of a project. According to his narration, he was sabotaged in an intel exchange which caused him to prepare for less budget than needed. Higher echelon is not going to re-sup him for the deficit and the poor lad is now figuring out how to go to war with the existing resources.

Halfway through our conversation, he said, "I'll call you back later, fighting a war now! Bullets are firing in every direction here!"

I'm sure he will overcome the budget deficit, he is from our Army, afterall.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

If there is something that I fear...

Last week, I experienced a feeling quite close to fear. It was a mixture between lost and depression.

During lunch time, I was looking for Nini-the-cat, and Jian told me that Nini was dead. And she was lying outside near the drain. My mind went from CMYK to grayscale, and froze slightly. I carried my heavy footsteps to the walkway outside and went in search of Nini's carcass. The dreadful feeling was made worst when I could not find her. I finally gave up search and went to ask Jian the exact spot.

He was joking with me. I punished him.

I later found Nini at level 2. And she was the same old Nini I met everyday. I never felt more relieved.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

A good day of work has to start well

Besides Rose and Daisy, there is something that really tops icing over the cake, in coming to work.

Many mornings, when I entered my workplace, I catch sight of Nini, sitting about 15 metres away. I whistled out to catch her attention and she would let off a short 'meow' and run towards me, or sometimes, towards her bowl, signalling that she is ready for her meal. I would hold her food container and shake it to let out a rattling sound and Nini would 'meow' on, almost like doing a lap dance around you, albeit on the feet. After teasing her for about 10 seconds, I would finally grant her her long-awaited breakfast and she would determinedly chow down on it.

That's how a good workday should start, for me.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ah Dng, 早日康復. Ah Niu, 快高長大

Rectal Prolapse in Dogs

By: PetPlace Veterinarians

Section: Overview

Rectal prolapse is an uncommon condition in which rectal tissue protrudes through the anal opening. It appears as a tubular piece of tissue attached to the anus. The rectum is the part of the large intestine that ends just inside the anus. Rectal prolapse typically occurs in puppies and kittens under 6 months of age. The cause of the prolapse is usually not ever determined, but many veterinarians feel that gastrointestinal parasites are an underlying cause. The affected animal typically strains and strains and eventually part of the rectum is pushed out the anus.

Older animals can also develop rectal prolapse. In these situations, the underlying irritation causing the straining and eventual prolapse is often associated with injury to the rectal lining or rectal tumors.

Animals with rectal prolapse have a fair chance of recovering with appropriate treatment.

It is crucial to take your pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible if you suspect rectal prolapse. Dogs and cats do not get hemorrhoids so any tissue that protrudes from the anus is abnormal. Try to keep the tissue moist with warm wet washcloths and do not allow your pet to lick or chew at the tissue. Keeping the tissue moist and free of trauma will give it the best chance of being repaired.

What to Watch For

  • Straining
  • Tissue protruding from anus
  • Excessive licking of anal and genital area


    The diagnosis of rectal prolapse is made during physical examination. A rectal prolapse must be differentiated from a prolapse of the small intestine, which is a much more serious problem. Your veterinarian will likely take a thermometer or blunt probe and insert it around the edge of the tissue. If the probe easily passes, then the tissue is likely small intestinal and the animal will need surgery. If the probe doesn't pass very far, it is likely rectal tissue.

    In addition to determining if the tissue is small or large intestine, your veterinarian will likely try to find the underlying cause of the prolapse. A fecal exam should be performed to determine if any gastrointestinal parasites are present. Abdominal X-rays may also be recommended.


    Early treatment is crucial. If the tissue appears to still be alive and not too traumatized, your veterinarian will try to push it back into normal position. A suture is then placed around the anus to make sure the tissue does not come out again. The suture must be loose enough to allow stool to pass out. This suture is generally left in for 48 hours and then removed.

    If the rectal tissue is dried, severely traumatized or appears to be dead, surgery will need to be performed to amputate the damaged part of the intestine. The remaining tissue of the large intestine is sutured to the anus. Surgery may also be necessary if the prolapse returns after attempting to push it back inside and suturing.

    It is best to avoid surgery since amputation of the rectum is fraught with complications. Serious infection and fecal incontinence can occur. Animals treated with surgery have a guarded to poor prognosis.

    Home Care and Prevention

    There is no home care for rectal prolapse. Keep the tissue moistened and do not allow your pet to lick or chew at the tissue. After treatment, animals are often prescribed stool softeners for a period of time. In some cases, a gel is recommended to be placed in the rectum to reduce pain and irritation.

    Since the underlying cause of rectal prolapse is often not known, it is difficult to prevent. Have your pet dewormed routinely and have fecal examinations performed. Keeping your pet parasite free is one measure you can take to help prevent rectal prolapse.

  • Monday, February 22, 2010

    It's my fortune to have them with me today.

    Happy Birthday Rose, Daisy, Nini-the-Cat, and Apple in heaven.

    Text and Text on 22nd Feb

    I remembered, that today is my birthday, yesterday.

    But come this morning, I clean forgotten it until I read Tiko's text message, which was sent at 3am, at 730am. 'It's just another day', I thought to myself and carried on with life. I did not realise that the message was sent during the unearthly hour until Tiko told me on amsn.

    On the way to work, Stella texted a birthday wish, which I found surprisingly pleasant. At least my minor existence in this realm is remembered by some, though I suspect through facebook/friendster reminder. Better than nothing.

    The trip to work was monotonously unpleasant despite the cheerful texts that I received. I witnessed a lady who looked like Stella, quite coincidentally, and nearly thought she were there. Next, there was a lady whose looks resembles Shuyan, and she was feeling squeamish on board. She alighted at Gillman Heights although I was hoping to get a chance to be her knight in shining chest plate.

    Rose was quite obedient today and she was not spanked, not on my birthday, and theirs. Seng Heng Lion Dance was here for a ritual, just before which, I received a text from Geok Cheng, which was another pleasant surprise. I took the chance to demand my photo from her. I think I must have frightened her.

    I am usually not a fan of korean girl band. The only singer that catches my attention is Dambi, but this track from SNSD caught me the day before 22nd, and I shall share it.

    Wednesday, February 17, 2010

    Heuristics of beauty

    I believe that beauty do lies in the eye of the beholder and that every man has their set of heuristics that they refer to when determining who is beautiful. This might just explain why one man's meat is another's poison.

    I have 3 women which I would describe as beautiful. One shall remain unknown as I personally know her. The other 2 are public figures.

    Meghan from the amazing race 15.

    Melissa Ng from TVB, Hong Kong.

    Anyone find them similar. That's my heuristics.

    Tuesday, February 16, 2010

    On the third day of CNY

    I return to office on the third day of Chinese New Year, knowing that it is still a holiday, but my worry for Rose, Daisy and Nini-the-Cat pulls me back. I bought a pack of instant noodles at the Depot Heights Fairprice mart, just in case the food centre is not open yet, or they jack up the price sky high.

    Rose was thrilled at the sight of me. She appeared happier than usual. Absence really makes the heart grew fonder. The feeling is mutual. I whistled to Nini, who arrived in 2 minutes from her hide, which I gave up searching for after her frequent attempts to change places. When I topped up her dish. I knew Nini has been doing her job these few days.

    Tuesday, February 9, 2010

    Today, I spanked Rose ...

    ... but in fact, I am the one feeling more of the pain. Rose, Daisy and Nini-the-cat are my 3 best companions in life and I realised that more so after the departure of Apple.

    Rose did something disobedient today and despite my repeated showing of displeasure at her dipping or paws into her drinking dish, she ignored. I had to spank her twice, hard, on her butt, till she felt the pain and my seriousness. She then sat 2 metres away from me, looking sad. I know she will be sad, but I will not compromise her health and condone her bad habit. After what seems to be forever, well, in fact, 15 seconds or so, I called her back the usual way and she slowly made her way near. I brought the dish of water in front of her and she drank it with the right mannerism. Feeling satisfied with her performance, I stroked her headful of fur and her mood brightened up.

    I believed I could say, "we patched."

    Sunday, January 31, 2010

    That day in a picture

    Ths softest among the pups.

    Tuesday, January 26, 2010

    It's thrilling no less

    Having missed the demolition live firing during my training days. I made up for it last Sunday with the ignition of nothing short of a few dozens of rounds of pyrotechnics. Here is "Lei Wang" - the King of Thunder.

    Sunday, January 17, 2010

    The Lousiest profession in S'pore

    Security (or the people that make up the profession) could be one of the dumbest profession in Singapore, if they are ever professional. Inflexibility, stubbornness and dumb adherence to rules are the trademarks of a failed security personnel.

    What happened 2 days ago at the gates of LTA? The LTA officer instructed us to clear the ground of the set up on Saturday, and informed the guard that we are coming. The guard denied us entry at the gate, despite repeated explanation by us and the officers of LTA. In the end, Elfa (LTA), has to make her way from home to the security guard post to assure the guard, whoever he is, that we are indeed authorised to enter.

    Hard luck LTA. They have hired a lousy company.

    Tuesday, January 12, 2010

    Platform Crash

    So much for being a world class country with world class transport system. The company is merely another entity run by money faced beings who cares about nothing more than, well, money.

    Jurong East station platform 1 is filled up 75% and yet the trains kept pouring commuters from Woodlands.

    I hope one day the platform collapse, then they'll wake up.