Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day at farm (16.10.10)

My best friend has a problem, socially. However, I could sum up the entirety of the event in a word - childish. Not that my best friend is childish, but the undergraduates classmates he has are downright childish.

When I hear his narration of the episode, I am engulfed in an amalgam of anger and jest. And to be quite blunt, I actually despise the 'undergraduates' involved. The actions they are responsible for could not have been committed by anyone in excess of a junior college student's intellect.

Today, I went in to the farm. The joy of meeting a new squad of puppies had to be countered with a sad meeting of Rotted Head. When I see him, I am quite distortedly surprised that he is still alive, though I believe that he will not be living for more than 3 days from today. I do not wish to describe what I see here for I do not know who will be reading this.

Ah Gold, as usual, was quite ecstatic to see my arrival at her lodge. And I was just as happy to see her. I thought of how different would her life have been had I smuggled her into Singapore last year. Well, nothing is going to change now. Her home is fixed.

If there is any higher being, please give Rotted Head a clean ending without further suffering.

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