Sunday, November 21, 2010


If I have to say something bad about National Service, it really has to be that it disrupts all my education plans, that is, non-academic wise. I had plans to sign up for a certification course with either SCAL or BCA, but I had 2 concerns. One, my holiday plans from 4th Dec to 7th Dec. Two, National Service. I had to give up the SCAL option because of concern number one, and I had to give up the entire plan to go for the course because of concern number 2. Since, this course runs for 6 months from January, and my call up starts on the 4th May 2011, I could not attend the course and I am effectively 6 months slower in life. Bad luck.

On my way to toilet today. I saw Nini at the far end laundry area. It puzzled as Nini do not usually venture that far out. She was not looking too at ease. I whistled her out and carried her back, gave her some chow and top up her water and carried on with my latrine plan. When I am back, her eyes were shining and she was looking much happier. I do not know what had happen before that, but I hope she is ok.

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