Monday, July 19, 2010

Living in the moment

It has been a month or more since someone new came into my life. My office life changed from green mediocrity to detesting someone's action everyday. Then the Martian left, and office became a place I wish to stay away from every, not because of the workload, but because of the pile of mess left behind by an irresponsible individual.

Then Sherlyn came in. I guess no one can fail to befriend her because there is no need for an icebreaker in the first place. We also realised that we have several similarities and tastes, which makes communication all the more seamless. That day's embarrassing seems to have a certain bonding effect; could I say that we at least share a secret only known between us and one of our parent.

I knew rumours are flying all over the place, but when I take a step back and look with a wider angle, rumours are still rumours. Even if things happen as rumoured, it would not be because the rumourmongers are dead accurate.

Right now, I am living in the moment.

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