Saturday, June 19, 2010

Goodbye my Mini

Today will go down in my memory as the day where 1 month ago (20th May 2010), Mini moved from the fence, tick-stricken, rain-drenched, to my work place. Today, Mini move from my physical world, to doggy heaven, where she would find Smiling Apple looking up from a thick juicy bone. She would enjoy the same love she got from Daisy and Rose, and the least, myself.

If I say that I am not sad, I would be bluffing everyone, but not myself. In fact, my heart bleed once more from the same wound that saw Apple lose to Tetanus. But, what can I do? I do not want appear sad for the sake of the situation, yet I could not find a reason to feel otherwise. My only favour to Mini was to add 1 month to her life and make her feel love for the month.

Sorry Mini, I could not be there when you depart.

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