Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dark ray

Onion told me - during my trip to vehicle servicing at Jackson and wife's shop - that I should just brush off certain pissing events as isolated, one-off incidents. But I told myself, I should not be overly concerned about other people's feeling.

I pictured a dark ray coming out of a cathode ray tube, shining towards a mirror. The light bounces off and got reflected to a few more mirrors. And the process is repeated.

Why should that mirror even prolong its stay in that position perpendicular to the incident? It got me thinking.

I am slightly affected that today, my colleague is showing an upset face. I tried to be concerned, but I think I am being a busy body, and for that, I was punished with a cold shoulder and more black face. Well, fine, lesson well learnt.

p.s. Where has Nini been the whole day?

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