Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mid ICT Break

Perhaps today is a good day for me to log a post. I do not know why I have the down feeling since yesterday - whether it is the 7th day is Mini's departure or because I am booking in tonight.

On Friday, I return for a break from my annual ICT, and return to office on Saturday to learn that the roof had leaked water from the Monday storm. My Macbook took a shower, but was still working when I tried to use it. I spend most of the time catching up with Daisy and Rose and Nini-the-cat, and squatting at the spot where Daisy and Mini played. I could still smell the faint smell of Mini's poo as she has the habit of passing motion at the same spot and caching it. I really wish she were around at that time. Daisy has become a slightly different girl since Mini's departure, and I hope she has adapted to life without Mini, her odd baby. Rose is the same Rose. Always happy, always naughty, yet always loving.

I am booking in tonight. Tomorrow will start early.

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