Saturday, December 4, 2010

Before I leave

In the final hours before setting off for the land of smiles' city of angels, I got 2 calls from the event planners of a customer. It was irritating. Very irritating. I wanted to give her a piece of my mind, but I do not want to mess up my own holiday mood.

I woke up the usual time this morning and could not get back to sleep again. I hope I can make up for some eye-shut later on the plane. Some inauspicious thought ran through my mind last night when I left in the longing gaze of Rose. Will I be caught in an aircraft accident? Or will I meet with some mishap in the foreign land?

Before I left, I fed Nini-the-cat her favourite pouched fish, patted Rose, Daisy and Ah-Wang, paying particular attention to Rose, the old lady. Topped up the dog's food container. Bought a new pack of Nini's dry food and 3 rows of pouched fish.

What I will worry about? Will Rose be scared dead in another thunderstorm? Will Nini have enough water to drink, lest she drink from the waste water pail? Will there be people feeding Daisy when Ah-Wang finishes her food? Will there be someone opening the gate, asking Ah-Wang to return to the warehouse and not roam outside?

I will return.

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