Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Weird things happened

I have been swimming quite a bit recently.

Today, the strangest things happened to me. I was showering in the very last cubicle along the row of showers. Opposite my cubicle was another person (a guy obviously because it wasn't a mixed bathroom), another guy, apparently his friend, was standing outside his cubicle, seemingly waiting for him to finish his business inside. The guy outside called out to the one inside, and the latter answered, and the repeated this a couple of times.

Then, when the one inside was done. They changed into their clothes outside the cubicle. Now, these cubicle doors were made of tempered glass, approximately 8-feet high, opaque for most of the door other than the transparent 2-feet at the top and bottom. One could easily look in without much effort I would say. I guess the designer of the toilet must have thought that users of the club are all straight guys nonchalant to peeping at others.

One of the stepped onto the bench to switch the fan. I do not know whether he was peeking into my cubicle (as i was back facing the door) which was no further than 2-feet from his point, but every time I turned back to get another dose of soap, I saw the duo, looking away. I took a phone call and spoke for 5 minutes, and after my call, they were still there, and I was halfway through my shower. Just before I was done showering, they left.

Now that was really weird. Were they full-time man oglers? I didn't really care, I have lost nothing.

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