Monday, December 13, 2010


As I returned from my Thailand trip, I have been thinking about the journey and of the perfect - at least perfect to me - lifestyle. I came to realised that I do not desire much in life. Not the 5C's not that perfect wife, not the soulmate, not really much.

No work stress. As I toured Ayutthaya, I see the simple life the people are leading. Not chasing after much and not needing much. And as a tourist in the Kingdom, I followed their 'sanuk' lifestyle. When I'm lost, I indulge in getting lost and seeing new things.

No complicated relations. With my best friend, we did all sorts of nonsensical things and need not worry about the looks of others. He released a fart into the face of a masseuse and I was not worried the masseuse would spout rubbish behind us because, partly, I think he would not and secondly, I do not care.

Well, if only reality were that good. But if everything is perfect, perfection, in itself, would be imperfect. Let me constantly remind myself to move towards that 'sanuk', carefree or couldn't-care-less, lifestyle. Life would not be lacking colours then, the colours merely got simpler.

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