Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I hate life, this week

I have been hating my life thus far this week.

I have an irritating and unproductive (work-wise) colleague who make my life a misery with her questions an idiot could score flying colours for, and her repetitive questions, her slow typing, her lousy spelling, her black teeth, her stinking breathe, everything.

My hard work on sourcing for a product was met with the most unappreciative gesture from my boss. All I needed was either a "Yes, we shall buy it" or "No, it is too costly", and not "Buy in Singapore also around that price leh."

Instead of empathising my bad days, my mother has to call me in the middle of the day to tell me to send her to the airport at 5am on Friday. As if work is not enough to kill me.

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