Friday, October 15, 2010

As of 15/10/10, Neleh is gone

"I'm not signing it."
"I've given you my resignation letter."
"But this is our exit policy. Leaving employees have to sign it."
"Other companies I worked with do not require this."
"This is our company's policy. We just need you to declare that we have not owe you any monies and that you will not leak our confidential information to outside."
"I will not do it."
"How can I be sure? If you can say this, why can't you sign against it? I am not asking you of something unreasonable, am I?"
"Can I take your silence as a 'yes'?"
"I don't understand it, I do not want to sign."
"I've already explained to you line by line, you are not observing our company's policy. You simply do it your own way, put down a resignation and leave, have you respected our company's procedure?"
"I don't know, other companies I worked for don't need this kind of signing."
"Well, you are breaching our procedure, so, now I am NOT accepting your resignation, please take it back, you are FIRED. Please go."

The rest is history.

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