Saturday, December 20, 2008

Yesteryears once more

I make a registration for Xiang at about 13 00 hrs this afternoon and received the rejection in less than an hour. Yesterday at the ministry of morons, I asked Ramona Nita whether I could submit an application after canceling the S-Pass, and she merely said, "you can try." And I did just that, paid $10 fees and promptly got rejected by a machine I believe. That has to be one of the fastest $10 earned and lost, apart from casino settings.

I awed myself at the secondary school class gathering by remembering everyone who I saw. Their name, their CCA and some of their gossips. It's held at Shannon's house this time, and shameful to say, this was my first time attending. 

Phang Lei Ming, is now a successful photographer.
Ng Siyun, is now a freelance makeup beautician.
Lee Shu Hui, I believe, is a recruitment agent.
Yi Suqin, Ong Chee How@Wang Zi Hao are in their final year (degree).
Chua Chee Hao is working at CSIT.
Ivy Tan took ages to remember the classmate who used to sat next to her.
Shannon is in SMU.
Sheng Rong is working in IT line.
Albert is getting really fat. And so is the already big sized Zi Hao.
Jia Xian has moved to Bt Panjang from Yew Tee.
Serene is flying with JAL as a cabin crew.

Let's meet up some time.

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