Sunday, December 14, 2008

Clash of the Tigers and Wolves

It's not as serious as I put it as in the title. It was a really fun morning watching the players entertain themselves and the audience which could not have been more than the fingers on one hand.

It was a cool morning with the sky threatening to let go of the rain. Nonetheless, it held off until the match ended, before the water came down. 

The tigers and wolves donned their beloved brown tees and white cdo tees in the match and it almost look like they were playing at Hendon field. Jensen had the honour of bagging the bizarre attire awards again for wearing singlet, shorts and running shoes for the game. Yeowee took home the best entertainer awards with his 'Dalsim' analogy of sliding tackle. Xian Ming won the MVT for being the most valuable 'traitor'. He very helpfully played for the tigers despite being from the wolves contingent.

The tigers won 2-1. But the result is really unimportant.

 Did I mentioned the field was yucky?

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