Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ministry of Morons 1/2

I do not know how to break the news to Xiang.

I applied for his extension, failed.
I appealed for the failed application, failed.
I appealed for the failed appeal, failed.

The reason?
"We cannot tell you the reason." Says the ministry of useless nincompoops.

They are getting on my nerves with their service, or the lack of it.
1. The irritating automated call answerer who will go on and on even when people are already not interested.
2. Their apparent effort to hide the 'Speak with an officer' option.
3. The empty promises of 'We will call you back', or 'The officer will call you back', or 'We will call Mr Ang immediately.'
4. The less-than-helpful and 'fake' counter staff at the building itself.
5. Patrick Chow, Ms Lin, Tan Ah Moi, Shaun, Tiffany and others, the ultimate idiots.

Thank you all for NOTHING helped. You people have been the ultimate wastes of taxes.

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