Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ministry of Morons 2/2

At the head office counters, there lies shamelessly stacks of 'feedback' cards. As from the writing, the cards are there supposedly to 'help improve the their service to us'. Apparently not. It appears to me that the cards are there to help the ministry churn out their own report card for customer service. For on the cards lies no evidence of their openness to feedback. They are only interested in people giving them positive feedback. 
I found that you were:
- Professional
- Knowledgeable
- Courteous
- Helpful
For the record, Tan Ah Moi gets 'None of the above' as far as I am concerned. 

There is no chance that potential user of the feedback card could choose 'unfriendly', 'atrocious', 'unhelpful', 'rude' and other detrimental remarks. And the counter staffs, according to my observation, only gets people, who they perceived were satisfied with their services, to fill up the feedback card. That is judgmental sampling for you. The researcher (in this case the counter staff) controls possible contaminants to the beautiful report card they would like to have.

I can only say one word - Shameless.

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