Sunday, December 7, 2008

Animals are like human

They long for companionship, they want to be love and they enjoy simple things that human beings are, many a times, too stingy to bestow.

On the way home today, I saw this cat (still thinking of a name, still trying to establish its gender, temporary calling her avenue3) whom I had met on 2 other occasions. Avenue3 is an orange-brown cat whose meowing sound suggests that it needed some cough syrup. Nonetheless, avenue3 came up to me and greeted me with the usual body rubbing. I knew it was hungry, I quicken my steps to the petrol kiosk to get a pack of cat feed, and avenue 3 gobbled it up in a jiffy.

Later in the evening, I walked to the nearby foodcourt to buy my dinner, and I saw avenue3 again. It looked satisfied. When I returned from the foodcourt, avenue3 was still there. I walked over and it climbed onto my laps and laid there. I offered her about 15 minutes of my time to stroke its soft fur and chat with it. It was time well spent.

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