Saturday, December 27, 2008

Another sad day

Father called this morning and asked whether I am at the office. I wasn't. I thought I had nothing much to do today because I am done with my swimming on the X'mas holiday, and also more or less cleared the paper work. But Father told me a piece of news which is just a piece of bad news made worse. Xiang will be leaving on the 29th Dec. And Father was asking whether I was at the office, so that I can process his wages. 

Most of the time, I would be very happy to give out money to the workers because I know they are happy to be receiving the money they got from their hard work. But today in particular, I hate the feeling.

The only comfort I got today was from Nini the cat, who performed her signature death-roll for me, and Rose, Apple and Daisy who showed me the innocence of life.

Zhiling suggested that I feature her void deck pet on my blog, which I shall oblige. This is Ginger the cat. She has the same coat as Nini and Avenue3. Her 'meow' sounds delightful and cheery, and she walks (and skips) with excellent agility.

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