Friday, December 26, 2008

Seeking comfort playing with Nini the cat

I had another dose of the government departments' rubbish today, again.

As adviced by the ministry of morons, Bui brought Xiang to the idiots and cretins authority(ICA) to have his stay extended till his flight date. Lo and behold, the idiot at the ICA said that she could not do what we requested. 

I called up the idiots and cretins to asked about it and the idiot at the other end of the phone directed me to the moron ministry once more. Oh, I have to make a special mention that I waited 40 minutes of my life listening to "Our officers will attend to you shortly" and "Sorry, we are experience high traffic, you may wish to hold or call us later", and the on-hold music of course.

If you cannot give me a solution, please do not give me more problems.

Feeling helpless, I wandered around the office aimlessly. Nini the cat appeared out of nowhere and performed a death-roll. I played with her for a couple of minutes and gave her a personalised photoshoot.

I'm here

A close up.

Return of the killer brush


Give it to me...

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