Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Forth World Class

World class transportation system? A joke. 
World class government? More like a family business. 
Robust financial system? First to go into recession in the region.
Excellent place for tourism? Yes, as long as it doesn't involve the citizens. I only see an oversized ferris wheel that was built upon millions of dollars. 
The end result? So that we can say we have the biggest, at least before a bigger one comes out.

Ah Xiang's pass is going to expire in 2 days time and all I heard from MOM is, "The status shown is 'in process'. So, you should hear from us." I asked how soon, but was not given an answer. Ah Xiang asked me about the pass matter yesterday, I could not answer him because I, too, am looking for an answer from the world class ministry. I have made no less than 5 calls and none of which solves my problem, instead, each one make my life worse. First, they asked me to send in a mail, then they gave me a number to fax in the same thing, then, they gave me another number to fax in yet the same thing. So much for efficiency.

When we need to pay taxes or make 'donations', the 'system' will 'efficiently' vacuum away our money. But when we are in need of the 'system', they will be 'cautiously' slow in processing. How 'world class' can it get?

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