Wednesday, December 31, 2008

黑帶 Kuro Obi (2007)

Weeting generously lent me his latest acquisition - Kuro Obi (2007) DVD during Monday's training. At first glance, I did not have a good impression of the title and predicted that it might take me a few interrupted sessions to finish the film. Lo and behold, I finished the whole film in one seating.

Kuro Obi is not the typical martial arts movies like 殺破浪,霍元甲 or the latest 葉問. There are no brawls, or rather it does not focus on the brawls, between different sects. The story highlights the importance of honour, discipline and respect in pursuing the way of the empty hand - Karate. Taikan - the rash one, Giryu - the contained one and Choei - the one who decides, are the three main karate-kas. Choei lost one of his arm early in the movie and did not have much actions. Taikan impressed me the most with his sharp, accurate and deadly strikes although it's Giryu that the show is trying to portray as the good man. Taikan decided to seek glory by being the karate instructor of the Kempeitei. He subsequently helped the Kempeitei to take over numerous dojo before killing one esteemed master. His final match is between Giryu, who he watched, without lending a hand, the daughter of the dead Captain pushing down the cliff after stabbing him.

Both Giryu and Taikan gained enlightenment from the fight, and Taikan offered the Kuro Obi of their late master to Giryu, who in turn offers it back to Taikan(who I felt deserve it).

To sum up, I shall describe the film in one word - beautiful.

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