Thursday, November 15, 2012

The failed school

The very first element of this school says "Integrity". I do not see a high level demonstrated.

In a nutshell. They asked us to pay a visit to their school, and in our face, tell us that because of their poor sales of tickets, they will have to cut a substantial job from our contract. A CONTRACT, mind you! Dear Madam Vice Principal, do you know what you are doing? This is known as a breach of contractual terms, and an big chunk, if you will.

A person/institution with INTEGRITY will visit the injured party to apologise and ask for forgiveness and understanding. An unruly gangster will demand the injured party to go to their place and tell them their service is no longer needed.

Which one are you, you judge for yourself.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Low Class

I would like to reprimand myself for my behaviour today. Though the other party is low class, I must not behave likewise.
X = The Customer [AKA the Accusor] 
Z = Myself

X Claims: 
1. Z's company has the worst service support of all the tent company X has dealt with. 
2. X claims that Z provided wrong pricing for one day when the event is two days. 
3. X claims that Z delivered a tent that cannot fit in 800 pax. 
4. X claims that Z's generator did not have a timer that automatically shuts down the power.

Z's Rebuttals: 
a. X is entitled to his opinions on point 1. 
b. Z in fact quoted price for two day use of logistics and demand that X retract what he claimed in point 2. X took back his statement and apologised.
c. Z mentioned that X provided the tent size of 144' x 20' to hold 800 pax. Z asked X's staff on the intended use of the tent and was told that it was for participants to seek shelter in event of heavy rain. Z subsequently stated to X's staff in an email that based on standing space of 1.5ft x 2ft per pax, the tent will be able to squeeze in 800 pax, provided everyone stands in order. Z put it to X that if Z could gather 800 pax within the tent, X would have to pay for the cost incurred. X approached Z up close and mentioned that even if 800 pax were to stand as close, the tent would not be able to house 800 pax and challenge that Z get 800 pax to do that in the coming Monday. Z put it to X once more that X would have to pay for all cost incurred if Z would be able to gather 800 pax in the tent in question, to which X replied with a request for Z [sic] to get lost before X turns violent. Z dared X to get violent there and then. 
d. Z mentioned that though the generator is not fitted with a timer to shut down automatically, they is ultimately no disruption in power supply. If there is, X's company is welcomed to take an issue with Z for compensation, whatsoever. Z mentioned there is nothing X could argue with regards to this. X threatened once more for Z to [sic] get lost before he throw Z's logistics at Z. To which Z responded by asking saying to X [sic] I dare you to do it.
The next time someone threatens to 'turn violent' on me, I should not dare him. Instead, I should ask him in a clear manner, "Are you threatening me?" And if he affirms, I would ask if he would repeat it in front of a witness. If he obliges, I would then call the police. If not, I would call him a loser.

Monday, September 17, 2012

You know

You know, it's not fair, your life belongs to more than just yourself.

Recently, I find myself in a quick sand of sorrow, unable to pull myself out as walls seems to build higher and higher, forming a seemingly permanent barrier between me and the mundane world.

Though I get told that this is temporary, or this is life, or... ... I know for myself, for me, this is just a slam dunk.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


In a last minute decision to go for a short jog at Singapore Polytechnic, I had an interesting encounter. I had changed into my PT kit, and sat at a corner of the car park to put on my running shoes. A duo of SP boys approached me and sheepishly asked me whether the pick up truck belongs to me. I believe they knew it belonged to me, they were just trying to find something to start what they were about to ask. "Yes," I carried on with my shoes laces. They went on to ask whether I can help them transport some planks to the dumping area. By this time, I was about done with my laces, and I gave them the positive (How could I say no?). I could feel their sense of happiness and hope. We worked together to dump what could have been 6 big chunks of heavy planks lined with iron nails ferociously jutting out. Industriously, we completed the job in a jiffy. They jokingly ask whether I could g ive them a ride back to the pool. Well, how could I reject them? They burst into joy and hopped up my pick up truck. I dropped them safely back where we began and they thanked me profusely. And I gave them the thumbs up. I am ready for my jog.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I vaguely remembered the chaos theory from my Sociology class in my university days. Just today, I learnt of how a few words that has not gone through tactful and thoughtful thoughts could create huge ramification in the feelings of another person. These seemingly 'loose' words which affects the mood of another person may have even larger impact like, in wild imagination, loss of concentration when crossing the road, which in turn cause a serial car accident, in which the drivers could be sole breadwinners of the family, or that the accident might see fuel leaks from the vehicle, which in turn flows into our water system,... ... ... the effects get larger and more serious. Well, things are not that chaotic, but the idea is there and I am feeling some chaos in me.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Recently, I broke into a couple of spells of illness. I was touched that I had people asking about me. Auntie called to ask about me, sherlyn bought me the useful but torturous aloe gel, her grandma boiled me the flower concoction. I was really glad. At the same period, I had tasted some of the best foods. Xiaogu's treat at Asia grand restaurant. Auntie's treat at gim tim. Duck rice at yishun. Raw noodles at amk. I faced all of them with an evil ulcer beneath my lip. Fill with wins.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

I am suppose to touch, but got touched instead

Not long after I returned. Auntie Soo Leng went on a trip to Hadyai. A terrible accident happened to her. She had a bad fall and fractured both tibias. On advice of my boss, she decided to return early to seek treatment rather than to stay in the hotel the whole time. And thank goodness she did. She was rushed to CGH upon touch down. Something mentionable: When Auntie asked whether someone could help her down the plane, Tiger Airways mentioned that it could be arranged for a fee of $250. The elevator would be arranged and staff will help her down. Speaking of 趁火打劫. Eventually, the elevator was not arranged because Tiger was not able to get it to the alighting apron in time and the plane is scheduled to take off again soon. I had expected some sort of samaritan behaviour from the staff really. Everyone thought initially it was just a very bad sprain. It turned out that both her legs were fractured, with the left being more serious. Due to some bad service from CGH, Auntie was transferred to Mt Elizabeth Hospital, where she had operation on one leg, instead of two suggested by the doctor at CGH. One evening when I visited Auntie CGH. No one was around the bed as everyone had their things to do. I was quite shocked by her sudden request for my hand, physically. I thought she wanted to see my palm lines. She held onto my hands and thank me for whatever help I had rendered and how I help her daughter by sending her to and from workplace, etc. I was quite touched by the gesture. It made me feel useful suddenly.

Hope it's the last

It has been an extremely eventful work trip for me. 21/5/12 thru 17/5/12. I almost spent a month in a foreign land. Not that I have a problem with that. But I do have a problem with the problems I face concerning work. I saw the changes in face, character and how someone will desert you when trouble is looming. I experience despair that I had brought trouble to close ones. I pray to everyone and anyone who can soothe my trouble soul and mind. I made some friends who were really helpful in times of need. I remember one day. The weather was red with anger. The howling winds marched in from the sea a mile away. Everything is flying, the tent, the canvas, the sand, the rocks, Sherlyn's helmet and myself. I could not sleep that night. I remember yet another morning. The same tempest threatened to stampede through our workplace yet again. I chant the name of Avalokiteśvara repeatedly. Strangely enough, the storm clouds split up 300 metres in front of me and went past alongside our workplace. I am not attempting credit this phenomena to anyone; I am sincerely grateful deep inside. I returned on the 17/6/12.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


2/5/12 thru 19/5/12 (18/5/12 really); Many people might not share my sentiments. I actually enjoyed this period of in-camp training, minus the field training exercise due to the safety time-out. So much so that I actually felt slightly 'empty' when I returned to the civilised world. I missed the staying in time where my comrades and I had 'heart-to-heart' talks (the gayish term coined purposely to exaggerate), thrash talks and life chats. I missed prawning and eating our catch. I missed bitching about the excess time we had to wait out, and sleep out, when we really enjoyed it. I missed playing LogoQuiz with everyone. I missed complaining about the tasteless PRC cookhouse food and the ultra-spicy PLC cookhouse food and the sit-around breakfast after every morning's session. I missed the daily morning physical training. I will miss all my comrades for the coming year. Back to reality, I am about to fly off on another journey to Bintulu. I hate that place, not for the place, but the work I shall be embarking on, the clients I am obliged to and the national holidays I have to wait through.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


I am beginning to wonder whether I had wrongly entrusted S$900 in cash to my friend, as funds for 'spaying of dogs'. From whatever actions thus far, I cannot help but think that just because the money does not come out of his pocket; it made spending more carefree, short of lavish. It made the spender consider less of consequences of actions and decisions. It made the contributor regret, somewhat.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dog Run

I got a lot at carpark 1B > I shall go for a run. And I was rewarded for a decision well made. I passed farm mart, and carried on down slope. Someone was barking with excitement. He was all alone standing faithfully at the main entrance of a certain farm. He caught sight of me and stood at attention, tails erected. I stopped in my track and squatted down and showed him both my palms, he started to wag his tail. He came to me and rub his face closer when I caressed him on the face. When I stood up and clapped, he jumped and stood on his hinds. I caught him on his hands and tango'ed him about. What great fun! I carried on my run, only to realise this boy wished to follow. And so he did for the next 300 metres or so, which became the happiest stretch of run in my life till date. When I see him went into the bush to fuel his curiosity, I quickly sprinted towards the traffic light and crossed it. I had to shake him off. I am really sorry. I really do not wish for you to enter the urban world across the street. Please forgive me, I will be back again.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ah Gong

After a ranting post yesterday, I went to bed feeling a bad aftertaste.

I met my late grandfather in my dreams last night. After so many occasions of missing his praying sessions, I finally see him again. I did not cry, he did not say anything. I am just contented to be able to see him again.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Short break from reality

When someone does something for their own gains, or orchestrate something such that it facilitates their own gain, we call it selfish. But how do we describes the receiving end of selfishness? I would say it is an amalgamation of betrayal, helplessness, upset and sometimes resignation.

These days, I have seen many. When things are not going well, you get people who shuts on you. Or when people suddenly have many things to say to you, you know they need your help. How about someone who asks you a question, and end them with the word 'right?", making you wonder whether that was actually a question or a rhetoric, or just that they just volunteered your support pertaining the matter in question.

On another note, Tiko's grandmother just passed away 5 days ago. I heard his phone call for help on funeral matters, in the voice clearly shaken by a bout of tears. I could understand his sorrows, as I had experienced them four times. Today is the last day of the funeral and I was there for logistical purpose. Strangely but surely, it was the most at-ease moment I experiences lately. My good friend Tiko, my China buddy Ah Jian, the newbie Ah Hao, Tiko's father and the rest of his family - all harmless characters in my life.

Now, I am back to reality.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

Bad Bintulu Day

It's really bad, really really bad.

Yesterday, the Sarawak agent informed that he will only be able to meet me on Saturday, tomorrow. We are supposed to meet today. I hope he do not play me out.

The bed I slept on is quite bad too. Protruding spring, but I should be able to bear with it.

This morning, I wasted RM50 in a few minutes because I did not subscribe to the one week broadband plan. I can feel the money flow out like water, really.

Then, I called to reserve a van. I was shocked that there were none left. Holy cow! I sank into depression. While on the decline, I think about whether I could rent 3 cars to ferry everyone. Or could I get a local cabbie with a van? How much will those cost me? Will I go broke here?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Leaving yet again (Bintulu)

Exit notification... check
Luggage weight... check
Flight timing... check
Cash... check
Laptop... and chargers... check

I am leaving for Sarawak in a few hours time. I am really going to miss the usual working hours here. Over there, I am probably going to get the panda-eyed syndrome due to the early hours to wake up and report for work. I hope I can somehow leave my workers to lead their own men to work, so that I can take a short break every now and then, with the excuse of topping up supplies or something.

Bintulu might not even sound familiar to the ordinary man on any Malaysian street. The more current-affairs-savvy guy might know that it is a place where Malaysian oil and gas are based. They probably already knew all that Bintulu has to offer.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Some people are just born to irritate. Foo, born to irritate everyone in the world. A certain foreigner worker who could not speak properly, born to irritate all customers he speaks to. I find a relation between this 2 character. Both of them cannot communicate properly and they irritate listeners in the process. However, one of them can work, another cannot.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Birthday Rant

I hate last minute agendas.

By the way, today is my birthday. I bought cakes for all my friends in fur.

Back to 'I hate last minute agendas'. I have long came up with the logistics list for my project in Bintulu. My boss has to wait till the final moments before he is willing to make purchases. When he fails to find what he wants, he will come back and say, "You go and mass email the bolts and nuts company". I am feeling extremely pissed. I certainly did not ask him to wait till 3 days before the ship sails, to buy the bolts and nuts. That is not to mention that my lightning conductor materials are still not here, and its 3 days prior to the sealing of the container.

Emails are fast, but they are not as fast as going to the shop and getting what you want immediately. They are not as fast as a phone call. They can be delayed from opening. But some people do not get it.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Airport food

Two days ago, I was at changi airport to receive my friend. His flight had been delayed for just over an hour.

I took a stroll within terminal 1. I passed the eateries that sell food at sky high prices and I remembered I used to have a meal there when I was young. Though not the same brand, I supposed the price range should have been the same.

I thought I have been quite an unfilial child then. That amount of money could have bought my parents meals for the entire family at the neighborhood coffee shop. Yet, because they could not bear to let me go hungry, they spent that fortune.

I'm, at this point, at a loss of inspiration on what to type next, maybe I leave blank.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Not a summary

There are some things that I can express my thoughts on this CNY. Not that it's a special occasion that renders the need for some summary.

People do reset. A leopard may not change it's unique spots. Bad habits return, ill-behaviours re-surface.

With determination and some discipline, certain things can be certainly achieved. I managed to swim 12 x freestyle laps this new year, up from 10 x breast stroke laps a year ago. Nothing to boast of, but is a tiny achievement for myself.

It is not nice to always be the OK man. While you might be concerned over a friend, s/he might just think you are another irritation, worse, a thorn in a flesh.

Opportunity do not always knock on the door. When you see a good wave, launch your board, instead of hoping for a higher and more ferocious surf, you might just get a tsunami that clears away all hopes.

Read in between the lines at times. However, just forget it for the rest.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


There flaws in life that I simply need to learn to accept; not that others' behaviours are necessarily flaws.

I need to know that there are mentalities in my friend that says - it does not matter that I am meeting you at a prearranged time, I will still go for a nap (sleep) and if I missed the timing, just too bad.

I need to know that no matter how badly you want simple helps from someone - and it does not matter you helped them before (oblivious to them); when you need help, you are the servant, they are the boss. You need to take their displeasure humbly.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


I can never forget this town. This is a peaceful old town in the state of Sarawak, East Malaysia. I was there the last few days for a site meeting. Though the outcome of the meeting depresses me - and the depression was made worse by my coming back home - I was happy to have lived a few days of slow paced life, walking around with no real aims or purpse (well, I do have some work that needs to be done).

The old Bintulu town (the area Hotel Royal was located) - as the name suggests - was the former city centre of the place. The former Bintulu airport runway is situated no more than 300m from my hotel, and was in the Guinness for being the only airport situated in the heart of a town. Every time I passed the air strip, I was taken over by the rustic charm it exuded.

Life was slowed, not physically, but really, on the whole. Order a meal at a cafe and the eatery will take their time. One morning, I ordered a chicken porridge for breakfast and it never came until after 15 minutes - slow by Singapore standards. But within the 15 minutes, I switched between lazy gazes at the morning traffic (2 meters away from my seat) and the culinary act of the stalkeeper, who attentively watch the fire to my porridge and pinching in the right amount of salt into it. She then scooped a sample of the porridge and tasted it and was satisfied that it was ready to be served, and I was.

The next time I had to visit this place again, I do not know whether this kind of lifestyle will still be an available option to me. But this trip has been a real different experience for me.