Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Not a summary

There are some things that I can express my thoughts on this CNY. Not that it's a special occasion that renders the need for some summary.

People do reset. A leopard may not change it's unique spots. Bad habits return, ill-behaviours re-surface.

With determination and some discipline, certain things can be certainly achieved. I managed to swim 12 x freestyle laps this new year, up from 10 x breast stroke laps a year ago. Nothing to boast of, but is a tiny achievement for myself.

It is not nice to always be the OK man. While you might be concerned over a friend, s/he might just think you are another irritation, worse, a thorn in a flesh.

Opportunity do not always knock on the door. When you see a good wave, launch your board, instead of hoping for a higher and more ferocious surf, you might just get a tsunami that clears away all hopes.

Read in between the lines at times. However, just forget it for the rest.

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