Saturday, October 20, 2012

Low Class

I would like to reprimand myself for my behaviour today. Though the other party is low class, I must not behave likewise.
X = The Customer [AKA the Accusor] 
Z = Myself

X Claims: 
1. Z's company has the worst service support of all the tent company X has dealt with. 
2. X claims that Z provided wrong pricing for one day when the event is two days. 
3. X claims that Z delivered a tent that cannot fit in 800 pax. 
4. X claims that Z's generator did not have a timer that automatically shuts down the power.

Z's Rebuttals: 
a. X is entitled to his opinions on point 1. 
b. Z in fact quoted price for two day use of logistics and demand that X retract what he claimed in point 2. X took back his statement and apologised.
c. Z mentioned that X provided the tent size of 144' x 20' to hold 800 pax. Z asked X's staff on the intended use of the tent and was told that it was for participants to seek shelter in event of heavy rain. Z subsequently stated to X's staff in an email that based on standing space of 1.5ft x 2ft per pax, the tent will be able to squeeze in 800 pax, provided everyone stands in order. Z put it to X that if Z could gather 800 pax within the tent, X would have to pay for the cost incurred. X approached Z up close and mentioned that even if 800 pax were to stand as close, the tent would not be able to house 800 pax and challenge that Z get 800 pax to do that in the coming Monday. Z put it to X once more that X would have to pay for all cost incurred if Z would be able to gather 800 pax in the tent in question, to which X replied with a request for Z [sic] to get lost before X turns violent. Z dared X to get violent there and then. 
d. Z mentioned that though the generator is not fitted with a timer to shut down automatically, they is ultimately no disruption in power supply. If there is, X's company is welcomed to take an issue with Z for compensation, whatsoever. Z mentioned there is nothing X could argue with regards to this. X threatened once more for Z to [sic] get lost before he throw Z's logistics at Z. To which Z responded by asking saying to X [sic] I dare you to do it.
The next time someone threatens to 'turn violent' on me, I should not dare him. Instead, I should ask him in a clear manner, "Are you threatening me?" And if he affirms, I would ask if he would repeat it in front of a witness. If he obliges, I would then call the police. If not, I would call him a loser.

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