Sunday, July 1, 2012

I am suppose to touch, but got touched instead

Not long after I returned. Auntie Soo Leng went on a trip to Hadyai. A terrible accident happened to her. She had a bad fall and fractured both tibias. On advice of my boss, she decided to return early to seek treatment rather than to stay in the hotel the whole time. And thank goodness she did. She was rushed to CGH upon touch down. Something mentionable: When Auntie asked whether someone could help her down the plane, Tiger Airways mentioned that it could be arranged for a fee of $250. The elevator would be arranged and staff will help her down. Speaking of 趁火打劫. Eventually, the elevator was not arranged because Tiger was not able to get it to the alighting apron in time and the plane is scheduled to take off again soon. I had expected some sort of samaritan behaviour from the staff really. Everyone thought initially it was just a very bad sprain. It turned out that both her legs were fractured, with the left being more serious. Due to some bad service from CGH, Auntie was transferred to Mt Elizabeth Hospital, where she had operation on one leg, instead of two suggested by the doctor at CGH. One evening when I visited Auntie CGH. No one was around the bed as everyone had their things to do. I was quite shocked by her sudden request for my hand, physically. I thought she wanted to see my palm lines. She held onto my hands and thank me for whatever help I had rendered and how I help her daughter by sending her to and from workplace, etc. I was quite touched by the gesture. It made me feel useful suddenly.

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