Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hope it's the last

It has been an extremely eventful work trip for me. 21/5/12 thru 17/5/12. I almost spent a month in a foreign land. Not that I have a problem with that. But I do have a problem with the problems I face concerning work. I saw the changes in face, character and how someone will desert you when trouble is looming. I experience despair that I had brought trouble to close ones. I pray to everyone and anyone who can soothe my trouble soul and mind. I made some friends who were really helpful in times of need. I remember one day. The weather was red with anger. The howling winds marched in from the sea a mile away. Everything is flying, the tent, the canvas, the sand, the rocks, Sherlyn's helmet and myself. I could not sleep that night. I remember yet another morning. The same tempest threatened to stampede through our workplace yet again. I chant the name of Avalokiteśvara repeatedly. Strangely enough, the storm clouds split up 300 metres in front of me and went past alongside our workplace. I am not attempting credit this phenomena to anyone; I am sincerely grateful deep inside. I returned on the 17/6/12.

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