Friday, January 9, 2009

Ugly Martian strikes again

Martian self-proclaimed to be an 'excellent customer service personnel' who loves to goreng with customers and boast of being able to handle any type of customers. I once had a debate with her that we cannot go on pleasing all the customers because ultimately, customers would not care how much discount a company gives, they will go for the cheapest one, with or without discount.

2 days ago, Martian quarrelled with Chris-CD. Pardon me for suffixing, but I recently handled 2 different Chrises and I foresee more of them in the future. Back to the quarrel. I believe that being in the service line, we have to follow certain guidelines when it comes to handling clients. Things like who, what, when, where, why and how (affectionately known as 5 wives and 1 husband) are guidelines, pricing and rates are guidelines, even, if you like, the manner in which one starts a tele-conversation, could be guided by certain scripts. But no matter the degree of conformity to guidelines, the service personnel should, under no circumstance, quarrel with the client. One may disagree with the client, one may feel p!ssed with the client, one may even detest the sound of the client, but the service personnel should just end the call amicably(whatever exits the mouth after the phone slams down remains at the respective sides).

Martian talked crudely to Chris-CD and slammed the phone down before Chris-CD even finish his part. And after which, Chris-CD called me and complained about Martian, which I managed to pacify after a few minutes. Chris-CD is not an unreasonable guy. Martian wasn't in the wrong for calling Chris-CD to inform him about us not receiving the cheque long overdue. But, in my opinion, Martian should have exercised some common sense. If the cheque had not arrived, it could be due to late posting, leading to an extra working day of delay. If she had not applied the 'Chris-CD is a con man' schema, she would have rationally foreseen this delivery lapse. On Chris-CD's part, I could understand the stress on him. Being an operation manager, he did his best to rush the accounts department to churn out our cheque, and other than that, there is not much he could do(not forgetting he still has his roadshow to run). But he had to bear with the continuous bugging from the Martian, it was only natural that he flared up.

Now, I am like Chris-CD's best friend, as far as his relationship with our business is concerned, and I am happy to provide him with any assistance that could be of help to him, just like I helped Chris-Grey at Fairy Point.

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