Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ah, that's more like it

The first day of Lunar New Year looks more like the sort of reunion dinner we had at Lorong Terigu 20 years ago. Everybody is present and nobody had any excuses for being absent. The day started at 3rd Aunt's house. We had a late lunch there. 3rd Aunt's cooking is superb. I love her stir-fried celery with mushrooms, chicken and well, mushroom(other type). Then, we shifted to 1st Aunt's house, which is a block away. 

The food there was sumptuous no less. I never had so much beehoon (rice vermicelli) in a day. But I gladly gave up the rice for beehoon because I can almost guarantee the quality just because they are my aunts' cooking. But my vote goes to the red wine ferment chicken. It is a new creation since the demise of my grandmother. Nonetheless, 1st Aunt brought back memories of her with the braised sea cucumber with mushroom and other what-have-you-s.

I look forward to more good food come this weekend.

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