Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hairy Encounters

Two days ago, while I was looking at my guys doing some set up at a food manufacturing factory in Woodlands, I walked by this dying rat. The rat is near the last few minutes of his life. It must have been the work of the Rentokil rodent bait. I felt sad, yet I could not do anything. It may sound fake, but I have this special affinity with rodents since young. Probably due to the excessive socialisation and conditioning that has made thought that I am somewhat linked to the rodents for being born in the year of the Rat, which happens to be ending at this point I am typing. I left Mr Rat to breathe his last, for I could not bear to see him slowly waste to a lifeless carcass.

Today, I went into Truely Asia to have a haircut. As I pass by Segget's corner, I saw this ultra adorable cat. I am drawn to the coat of Ms Seggets because it's the same as Nini, Avenue3 and Ginger.

My friends at Jantzen had to slog till 6pm, Chinese New Year's eve. My heart goes out to them. And I thank Ann, Joey and Ah Lian for their services today.

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