Friday, January 23, 2009


I was laughing inside when I heard Martian talking over the phone today. Her grandson was running a fever and was hospitalised. The doctor said that the baby was too tightly and heavily dressed, and hence, causing the fever. But Martian was not happy because she thinks that all she has been doing is for the good of her grandson and all her methods are the most orthodox. She called a friend and spoke to her at great length about what the doctor said and dissing the daughter-in-law for suggesting that the baby should be bathed thoroughly when Martian thought that a short shower will suffice. She then carry on to personifies herself as a doctor, saying that the baby got a fever because he caught a cold (for wearing too little, of course) and not because of overdressing. What a rhetoric!

Kopi-soh is a gem. She is the best customer service personnel any coffee shop could ask for. Yue Hua Eating House is located at Depot Road and this is where Kopi-soh works. I have, for a couple of times, experienced the excellent service of Kopi-soh. She is a big sized lady with thunderous voice and wears a waist pouch. Her modus operandi usually goes this way:
1. In a sweet voice, she would ask, "Hello, 要喝水嗎?"
2. The patron would order a drink, say 2 x Teh-C, 1 x Kopi-o, 1 x Hot Barley
3. Then here comes the show, in a thunderous voice, she would project her order, across the hall if she must, towards the drinks counter, "啊來!Teh-C sua! Kopi-O! Barley sio!"

And she would repeat for a few tables before making her way to the counter to pick up her order shouted earlier on.

In this era where almost every aspect of operation religiously takes after Taylorism - see Mos Burger - it is this personal, yet effective way of working that makes dining such a much more interesting experience.

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