Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What has been in my head lately?

Perhaps, I should be periodically jotting down "What has been in my head lately?" so that in future, I can relish / or puke at this period in my life.

Running / Exercising - My only exercise regime is my almost daily swim at Safra. I target to swim a ten-lap continuous front crawl. Who knows when I will achieve that. I am currently at six. I have not been actively running ever since I graduated from Hendon. Unlike my other buddies who have their weekly dose of football, or daily dose of college life or even occasional dose of get-together-for-sports, I am by myself. Since the conclusion of the recent ICT, I find a short adrenaline rush for a bit of running. I shamelessly pulled along Onion for a Chandu session, disguising it as an evening photography opportunity. Well, I did took a few photos. Yesterday, having had a craving for another session to work my legs, I went for another round of running. I am not exactly sure how long; the route went from Brickland Road, to Bukit Batok Road, down Choa Chu Kang Way, into Choa Chu Kang Avenue 3, back to my house MSCP.

Hypocrites - A certain ethnic group recently fired up a saga about the level of alcohol content in a beer product. It is said that a proclaimed halal beer had it's alcohol level higher than the stated and legally allowed level. While that whole country is debating the number of alcohol molecules allowable, I am thinking about the fundamentals. What is the principle behind the forbidden consumption of this drink? Will it be any difference (religiously) if the alcohol level is at 0.01% or 0.001% or 100%? It as hypocritical as Buddhist vegetarian eating mock chicken and a someone cursing another to death, short of actually killing him/her. Pass the pork rendang please, the halal one, if you don't mind.

Show - Everything since the nomination day seems like a theatrical production. We have the uprising of superstars like Ms NS, hated character like Biscuit Tin and a certain minister without portfolio, wayang promises (sometimes: lies), some good food for the brain, some conspiracy drama to fix up a minister. The older generation seemed to still hold fear and skepticism to the system of election, while the newer generation take this opportunity to party out at the various rallies. It became the talk of the town and it's certainly better than National Day Parade. Since 50 years passed so quickly, I certainly hope 5 years will pass just as quickly.

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