Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Some lousy event happened in a few days. 小胖 passed on to doggy heaven, two days following Ah Fluff, hope their friendship continues in the nether journey.

Called MOM today to 'talk' about the delayed response. They asked me for 3 more days, which quite frankly, I could not say NO to.

I remember a classmate name Maureen from my poly days. She is a modern, hip and friendly lady, often dressed stylishly in printed tank top, body hugging jeans and boots, and had a small tattoo ring on one finger.

But NO! I am not talking about that Maureen today. It's the Maureen from SC2. I shall not get personal on her looks. I called her to ask about how I can do an application status check by myself; I'm not even asking her about the status. In metaphoric terms, I am asking her how to fish and not asking her for a fish. She became all defensive, as if I am blaming her for the delayed outcome of an application. Argument ensued and it's not even about the topic I wanted to asked in the first place - Time Wastage. I wasted time no further and drop the line, and call SCAL instead, and ask for the general manager, who was not around, and was directed to the assistant general manager. Assistants has the sorriest of worklife. No glamourous GM title, but have the same, if not a higher, pile of work to do. Anyway, Esther, the asst. GM appeased me and offered to help me with what I wanted. I reiterated to her that I want to know HOW to check the outcome and not asking her to check it for me, and her response fully satisfy me, 'I know, let me check it for you, I want to learn it as well.' Full marks!

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