Saturday, October 30, 2010

Difficult times

I am seeing the two faces of some of my colleagues. When boss is here, they behave so co-operative, be it with each other or with me. However, when boss went on a holiday recently, the supervisor upped his level of laziness, fat driver show attitude, old driver tried to play leader. The victim? Me.

Today, I came in with 2 aims: Finish all my deliveries, and make life difficult for the folks. I'm not sure whether I can do the latter, but the former is definitely do-able.

Good luck and best wishes, Shureido.

p.s. Maybe I'll just add in another task, to buy chicken rice for Rose, Daisy and Ah Wang. Nini-the-cat had her pouch this morning.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Suffer today

Today has been particularly suffering. I have to wake up at 630am in the morning, send my father to the airport, and I was thinking of going to SAFRA for a morning swim. When I reached SAFRA Mt Faber, the pool was not open (quite strangely at 740am), wasted trip. I made my way to the office to clear up some stuff.

ZZ came in at 830am. Good friend indeed.

I dragged my weary body through the day. Drove to Jurong Point for a MOS Burger lunch. Jenny asked me what sauces I would like to have and I ordered my usual combination of chilli sauce and mustard. The server came with every sauce but what I ordered.

When I got back to the office, Muni called me to ask whether I could help with some work, which I had to oblige, for that was not really a favour asked, but a threat issued. Keong expressed his stand that he would not be attending the dinner tonight, which is already scarce in attendance. I would not have felt so pissed if he had not told me he might be attending yesterday. Anyway, now that I know what kind of colleagues I have, I know just the distance to keep in the future. Afterall, I am not the boss, they can reject my invitation anytime. I know ZZ would accompany me for that dinner anytime, if he could make it.

On a side note, I felt disgusted by the death of Paul the Octo. I am disgusted by how human beings mourn / celebritise the death of an Octopus, a psychic one to be precise, but remain oblivious to the culling of stray dogs who can be anytime more loyal than a piece of sashimi.

Enough said, today, please end soon.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Gohzi is back

It's funny. I really though she is dead, un-jokingly. On the 22nd Oct, I got a message "Shureido! Is it your birthday today?" I was confused. Firstly, I thought she was either dead, or migrated, or I have been ignored, secondly, my birthday was long gone and far away still. I then learn about her current state of affairs, but did not probe much into the silent period.

Anyhow, it's good to have a friend back in contact.

New Gold

Saturday, October 23, 2010

My beloved greasy cat, where are you?

Our affinity on lasted half a day.
You are gone, and I do not know where.
But wherever you are, be good and eat well.
You'll be in my heart.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day at farm (16.10.10)

My best friend has a problem, socially. However, I could sum up the entirety of the event in a word - childish. Not that my best friend is childish, but the undergraduates classmates he has are downright childish.

When I hear his narration of the episode, I am engulfed in an amalgam of anger and jest. And to be quite blunt, I actually despise the 'undergraduates' involved. The actions they are responsible for could not have been committed by anyone in excess of a junior college student's intellect.

Today, I went in to the farm. The joy of meeting a new squad of puppies had to be countered with a sad meeting of Rotted Head. When I see him, I am quite distortedly surprised that he is still alive, though I believe that he will not be living for more than 3 days from today. I do not wish to describe what I see here for I do not know who will be reading this.

Ah Gold, as usual, was quite ecstatic to see my arrival at her lodge. And I was just as happy to see her. I thought of how different would her life have been had I smuggled her into Singapore last year. Well, nothing is going to change now. Her home is fixed.

If there is any higher being, please give Rotted Head a clean ending without further suffering.

Friday, October 15, 2010

As of 15/10/10, Neleh is gone

"I'm not signing it."
"I've given you my resignation letter."
"But this is our exit policy. Leaving employees have to sign it."
"Other companies I worked with do not require this."
"This is our company's policy. We just need you to declare that we have not owe you any monies and that you will not leak our confidential information to outside."
"I will not do it."
"How can I be sure? If you can say this, why can't you sign against it? I am not asking you of something unreasonable, am I?"
"Can I take your silence as a 'yes'?"
"I don't understand it, I do not want to sign."
"I've already explained to you line by line, you are not observing our company's policy. You simply do it your own way, put down a resignation and leave, have you respected our company's procedure?"
"I don't know, other companies I worked for don't need this kind of signing."
"Well, you are breaching our procedure, so, now I am NOT accepting your resignation, please take it back, you are FIRED. Please go."

The rest is history.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I hate life, this week

I have been hating my life thus far this week.

I have an irritating and unproductive (work-wise) colleague who make my life a misery with her questions an idiot could score flying colours for, and her repetitive questions, her slow typing, her lousy spelling, her black teeth, her stinking breathe, everything.

My hard work on sourcing for a product was met with the most unappreciative gesture from my boss. All I needed was either a "Yes, we shall buy it" or "No, it is too costly", and not "Buy in Singapore also around that price leh."

Instead of empathising my bad days, my mother has to call me in the middle of the day to tell me to send her to the airport at 5am on Friday. As if work is not enough to kill me.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Weird things happened

I have been swimming quite a bit recently.

Today, the strangest things happened to me. I was showering in the very last cubicle along the row of showers. Opposite my cubicle was another person (a guy obviously because it wasn't a mixed bathroom), another guy, apparently his friend, was standing outside his cubicle, seemingly waiting for him to finish his business inside. The guy outside called out to the one inside, and the latter answered, and the repeated this a couple of times.

Then, when the one inside was done. They changed into their clothes outside the cubicle. Now, these cubicle doors were made of tempered glass, approximately 8-feet high, opaque for most of the door other than the transparent 2-feet at the top and bottom. One could easily look in without much effort I would say. I guess the designer of the toilet must have thought that users of the club are all straight guys nonchalant to peeping at others.

One of the stepped onto the bench to switch the fan. I do not know whether he was peeking into my cubicle (as i was back facing the door) which was no further than 2-feet from his point, but every time I turned back to get another dose of soap, I saw the duo, looking away. I took a phone call and spoke for 5 minutes, and after my call, they were still there, and I was halfway through my shower. Just before I was done showering, they left.

Now that was really weird. Were they full-time man oglers? I didn't really care, I have lost nothing.