Saturday, July 31, 2010

CCK Kittens

I walked down the staircase of the multi-storey carpark and spotted her (gender still unsure) sitting at a corner, looking out to the direction of the link hall, seemingly waiting for the return of someone dear. It's the second time I am seeing her. I stroked her, no response of hostility, and I boldly stroked her more thoroughly before picking her up.

She looked at me with those innocent eyes, totally showing no signs of unease. I held her in my hands for a couple of minutes more before returning her to her place to carry on her wait. As I am typing this, I am reminded of my Mini, who died a month ago. I wish I could bring her to depot, but the thought of separating her with her family deters me.

Everytime I see her, I will worry about her future. How will the fate of the family of felines be? Will they make the estate their new home? Or will they get adopted? Perhaps some spastic residents will file a complain with the town council who will mercilessly call in the pest control. Or will they just die one day in a traffic accident? I dare not imagine.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

What I did was emotionally psycological

I created a light-hearted, stress-free atmosphere one for her. I maintain this for the whole duration she was around me. What I did was emotionally psychological, the rest was a self fulfilling prophecy.

When I felt that the moment was ripe, I told her, "I think you are going to do well for today's session." She asked how so. I say, "I just think it's going to happen that way, don't you think so?" She said she hope she will, and I tell her she will. She asked whether I would fulfil my promise that I would lend her support by driving her to her driving lesson, I said I could not because there is no vehicle I could use. But I raised her hope again by saying I would accompany her on Ah Pui's lorry to her driving school, which lifted her spirits after the light tapering.

I got her text message after her lesson and she mentioned that the instructor told her she did well today, albeit some nervousness.

I applied I think my hypnosis worked.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Stomach Training

It is one of the rare times of my life where every other day - if not everyday - is worth blogging about. Yesterday, I went through a training, specifically the stomach. I had a bit of mental preparation for the 'good' lunch, and I had the dinner in sight, but did not expect to go for it.

As the payment from Shinan has been collected, her mummy had a cheeky plan to get a treat from my father. And since her mummy could not make it for dinner, we had lunch instead. The drive to 亮记 proved to be futile as the shop had shifted. We then headed for 阿乌, and ordered a monstrous spread. A big fish, white chinese cabbage stir-fried in black vinegar and a winter melon soup in a winter melon.

She expressed interest in the dinner at Jurong East, and my father suggested that I bring her there and send her home afterwards. I jokingly stated that I would send her to Jurong East MRT station and that invited a sharp reaction from her mummy. Of course, I did not mean that.

I went through 6 courses of the dinner and signalled her to leave as she had to report to NIE the next morning. After an exchange of a few text message, the day was concluded.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Living in the moment

It has been a month or more since someone new came into my life. My office life changed from green mediocrity to detesting someone's action everyday. Then the Martian left, and office became a place I wish to stay away from every, not because of the workload, but because of the pile of mess left behind by an irresponsible individual.

Then Sherlyn came in. I guess no one can fail to befriend her because there is no need for an icebreaker in the first place. We also realised that we have several similarities and tastes, which makes communication all the more seamless. That day's embarrassing seems to have a certain bonding effect; could I say that we at least share a secret only known between us and one of our parent.

I knew rumours are flying all over the place, but when I take a step back and look with a wider angle, rumours are still rumours. Even if things happen as rumoured, it would not be because the rumourmongers are dead accurate.

Right now, I am living in the moment.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Distance Based Fare

I am beginning to wonder whether our transport fellas really know their stuff. First, they injected the idea of 'distance based fares' into us, with the much hyped and suggested association of 'lower fares'. I used the word 'inject' because an injection is something one might not like, but have to take anyway. Next, the media dropped the 'lower fare' and begin to advertise with 'fairer way to charge commuters'. Then, today's Today features this:

"Transport analysts said the impact of the distance-based fares should be seen in a wider context. While a single trip could cost more, on a multi-trip journey the overall fare could be the same or lower than before.

A commuter should also consider that his weekend travel patterns could involve fare savings that offset higher fares on weekday journeys.

And while some individuals might pay more, others in their family might pay less, so the bigger issue was whether the changes benefited entire households, analysts added."

How wide a context should a commuter be seeing other than his/her own fare? If s/he could travel from point A to B in one trip, why must s/he do a multi-trip journey? What are the 'transport analysts' trying to throw on us? And assuming most of the travelling for most people are done on the weekdays, how is it that weekend savings could offset the weekdays'? Travel more save more? But travel more also means pay more. And while some individuals pay more, the household might pay less, if the household pay less, the in-laws' household might pay less, and if that is not the case, the entire block of HDB dwellers might benefit from the distance based charge.

Well done analyst!