Tuesday, October 27, 2009

P!ssed once more

It happened last year and it happens again. I think it will happen in the future. My mother p!ss the hell out of me when she, once again, inform me of a wedding dinner tomorrow, today. I told her that this is not the first time she played this on me and she offer me a reply I cannot accept.

Me: "You always give me last minute information."
Her: "You always return home after work right."
Me: "What if I cannot make it? Why must you always tell me things last minute?"
Her: "So coincidental meh? You cannot make it meh?"

My nerve broke and I talked back, "I cannot go other place after work, is it!? My point is, WHY MUST YOU ALWAYS SAY THINGS LAST MINUTE?"

It is not the first time. Previously, I missed Mingli's birthday when I had to work at Terminal 3 till late evening, and my mother called me in the afternoon, telling me that I had to attend Mingli's wedding that night. Then last year, I asked her to gather Aunties and their spouse for a dinner at warehouse during the lunar 7th month. Until the very last day, she had not confirmed the attendees, and when I finally asked on the last day, she said that she told my father. Damn it, am I speaking Esperanto that no one can understand. Or am I such an insignificant speaker?

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