Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Accusing Finger

With all the rants about FT/FW stealing from the locals their jobs, their houses, their wives and contributing to all the social ills, I happened to witness an incident which distort all these.

Last Saturday was Deepavali, a gazetted and re-dated public holiday here in the sunny island. I return to the office to feed Rose, Daisy and Nini-the-cat. While on the fully seated MRT, an old man board the MRT with me. As usual, there are the usual fake sleepers, fake hardworking people looking at their notes, fake mp4 watchers who occupy the priority seat, who cannot see an elderly needing a seat.

Then, a Chinese national stood up to offer his seat to the old man. The old man took it, as if it were due to him, as if it were owed to him. Later, another similar scenario occur, this time, it was a duo of Thai workers who gave up the seats, while the whole family of Indians - father, mother, sons and daughters - turned their blind eyes to the needy, at their seats.

So, before you point your accusing finger to other, remember you have at least 3 fingers pointing at yourself.

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