Friday, October 30, 2009

P!ssed, yet once more

Sometimes, I cannot prevent myself from wanting to leave this house altogether. In fact, I feel like leaving this country altogether. Since my grandparents passed on, my happiest and most carefree days were those I spent at Taiwan, Thailand, and even in the jungles of Taman Negara and Temburong.

Just a few days ago, I flared up over the 'last minute' wedding. Today, I have to do so once more when someone wore my jeans and another one washed and iron it. Might sound like I am a grouchy person. But not so if you realised that that pair of jeans costed me 100 over dollars and it can only be dry washed and the layer of wax coating cannot be ironed on. Within a matter of hours, my 100-dollar is reduced to ...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

P!ssed once more

It happened last year and it happens again. I think it will happen in the future. My mother p!ss the hell out of me when she, once again, inform me of a wedding dinner tomorrow, today. I told her that this is not the first time she played this on me and she offer me a reply I cannot accept.

Me: "You always give me last minute information."
Her: "You always return home after work right."
Me: "What if I cannot make it? Why must you always tell me things last minute?"
Her: "So coincidental meh? You cannot make it meh?"

My nerve broke and I talked back, "I cannot go other place after work, is it!? My point is, WHY MUST YOU ALWAYS SAY THINGS LAST MINUTE?"

It is not the first time. Previously, I missed Mingli's birthday when I had to work at Terminal 3 till late evening, and my mother called me in the afternoon, telling me that I had to attend Mingli's wedding that night. Then last year, I asked her to gather Aunties and their spouse for a dinner at warehouse during the lunar 7th month. Until the very last day, she had not confirmed the attendees, and when I finally asked on the last day, she said that she told my father. Damn it, am I speaking Esperanto that no one can understand. Or am I such an insignificant speaker?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

geok cheng's wedding

i am posting from chevron surf zone. I do not know whether to go in and become a headless ghost or stay outside to be with myself. I have no partner tonight because, well, i do not have one.

Geok cheng's mum must be really happy tonight. Why do i make a special mention to her mum? Because she shares the same birthday as me.

I have not prepared any ang pao, but i hope she will like the gift.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Accusing Finger

With all the rants about FT/FW stealing from the locals their jobs, their houses, their wives and contributing to all the social ills, I happened to witness an incident which distort all these.

Last Saturday was Deepavali, a gazetted and re-dated public holiday here in the sunny island. I return to the office to feed Rose, Daisy and Nini-the-cat. While on the fully seated MRT, an old man board the MRT with me. As usual, there are the usual fake sleepers, fake hardworking people looking at their notes, fake mp4 watchers who occupy the priority seat, who cannot see an elderly needing a seat.

Then, a Chinese national stood up to offer his seat to the old man. The old man took it, as if it were due to him, as if it were owed to him. Later, another similar scenario occur, this time, it was a duo of Thai workers who gave up the seats, while the whole family of Indians - father, mother, sons and daughters - turned their blind eyes to the needy, at their seats.

So, before you point your accusing finger to other, remember you have at least 3 fingers pointing at yourself.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Commuters of all shapes and sizes

Just yesterday, my foot experience a massive crushing by a 200 pounder lady donning white striped shirt, beige skirt, white 1-inch heels and carrying a fake LV handbag. She offer no gesture of remorse, nor sorry. In fact, she probably did not even feel it as she has been too engrossed in charging up the bus 195 among the morning crowded at Queenstown bus stop. I swore at her within me.

Today, I tap on a malay man sitting at the priority seat, signaling for him to give up his seat to a pregnant lady who just boarded the crowded MRT. I am not trying to shame that man whatsoever, on the contrary, I am holding him in high regard for his gracious action. I do not blame him for being sleeping when the pregnant lady was there because I could testify that he was sleeping way before the pregnant lady boarded the train. I wanted to pat him on the back, but decided against it because I thought he might be crossed at me for 'shaming' him. But really, I am not.

Martian is on leave again. And like always, she never fails to give trouble even from afar. And I prefer not to talk about it.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Red Morning

That day and today in pictures

Congratulations to for giving birth to yet another couple of puppies. This time in an assortment of colours.

I thought all of them were dead? I was pleasantly surprised that this one is still here. Still on deworm treatment. What shall be the name?

Nini likes her breakfast.


There is an imbalance in me. Months back, I book the link hall building at my estate and requested for the grasspatch adjacent it. The booking was later withdrew (after my set up was halfway through). The Town Council had gone back on their words, claiming I would be disturbing the residence and that I could not use the grasspatch, which was granted to me during the booking. I claimed that the Residents Committee used it years back and they did a set up many times bigger than what I was doing. They were promptly lost for words and gibber things like "Oh, the RC were doing events for the residents. And that was a one off incident..."

Am I not a resident? Days before 3/10/09, the RC set up a stage ("Getai" more affectionately known) at the very location I was denied once more. They created a din which I could hear even though I was 3 blocks away from that location.
