Sunday, May 3, 2009

What can I do?

I am about halfway through Subhas Anandan's The Best I Could. I am slightly inspired by his motivation to do his part to help the most heinous person gain a proper trial. And I thought to myself, being a very humanely skeptical person, what I could do, as a tiny being on Earth, to the lesser privileged beings like animals. I could not answer myself, but I would not attempt to see myself as a saviour like Mr Anandan is to countless criminals.

Today, one of Seamonkey's puppy is dead. Yesterday, he admitted to me that he accidentally injured the pup's legs while reversing the car, and I assured him that the baby is not going to die from that injury, citing Ah Rose as an example. But today, when Seamonkey went to the farm, he found the baby dead. When I reached the farm and saw the lifeless carcass of the baby, I was overwhelmed with sadness. It was the first time I saw a real carcass so near(I did not even manage to see Apple's body). I held up his lifeless form and place it on a piece of cardboard, while Seamonkey went in search of a shovel. We saw the pup bleeding from the nose, and Seamonkey wondered why. In my heart, I thought it was internal bleeding and I reframe from telling that to Seamonkey lest he blames himself too much. But it was later discovered that a farm driver had knocked the pup in the morning. Luckily, I did not mention anything earlier.

I summoned my LrrP strength to dig a one-feet niche for the dead baby. That was the best I could do for him.

Rest in peace.

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