Friday, May 22, 2009

I blaze the way to far-flung goals - behind, before, above the foe's front line.

I never expect him to be the one who lost his life. I imagine what was going through his mind when he realised he had a bad chute. The more I think, the sadder I felt. He must have felt 'fear'. Fear of leaving without bading farewell to his loved ones, fear of leaving behind unfinished business or, I dare not imagine further.

Warrant Tan Poh Eng, my esteemed course commander lost his life to an act that was almost a second nature to someone like him. I remember him as a stern commander, yet one who earns the respect of his followers, for he wield his authority with ultimate integrity.

It reminds me of a section in the Ranger Creed that goes, ""I volunteered to do it, knowing well the hazards of my choice." And it all ties in so perfectly, that it felt like a nightmare that never goes away.

I could only remember him fondly. And I believe it's the same to all his fellow comrades. The nation has lost another knight.

I have pride in the Airborne! I never let it down!

I am Airborne.

Airborne all the way.


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