Friday, May 29, 2009

Forwarding text

I think Geok Cheng is the only person who knows that my current state of emotions is pretty sad.

Maybe it is not normal for a person to feel that sad over the death of a few puppies and brood over it so very continuously. The puppies are not even mine. But... I could not even explain myself. When I look at Rose, Daisy and Nini the cat, I wish that they would have a healthy life and simple brain, so that they will find every pleasure in simple indulgence. I dreamt of an unknown puppy last night. I could not remember the story of the dream, the scariest part of the dream was that I could not remember it. I must be thinking too much.

And to add to it, I have to put on a facade when facing the workers. I know all too well that that someone among the worker is a troublemaker(who backstabbed me), yet, I have to act like I render the same level of friendship to every single one of them. Well, this is work-life I suppose.

Tiko texted me today. And I actually had a excuse to call Geok Cheng, whom I could thank for the support she shared as a wonderful friend. But I am simply not interested in talking at that point in time that I became a relay point forwarding Tiko's question to her and her answer back to Tiko. I think I did the right thing because Geok Cheng might be at work and I could have disturbed her. I know she will say "that's what friends are for" in her fancy SMS-style typing and this is what I really appreciate in a friend.

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