Sunday, December 29, 2013

Walk over my dead body to claim my land

In a recent stumbling on a forum post. An opinion was sought on whether a fellow forumer would rather be part of China or Malaysia in a merging. Of course, this cannot be farther from the real situation. However, the replies got me disgusted. The side for merger with Malaysia was against the unpleasant habits of the PRC citizens and emphatise with the Hong Kongers who 'lost' their identity after return to China. The opposite side who chose China brought up the history where Singapore was kicked out of Malaya and that we should not let history repeat itself. Also mentioned were religious freedom matters, policies which protects certain group of citizens and the fact that the country is smaller compared to China. There is yet another group, whom, in my opinion, is akin to a whore. They rather be governed by USA or UK, no real reasons given, except for one who mentioned of better healthcare and welfare. It sounds like a fake girl who lacks real love, speaking to her friend, "I hope Mr Filthy Rich or Mr Absolutely Charming will marry me," without ever knowing whether that Sire is really rich or charming. My take? I will not make any choice. I own an ownership to this country that is free and independent. To have to answer this question would be an insult.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Nothing to dream of

A television programme mentioned the problem with the working generation these days. On why they chose to strike out on career instead of marital affairs. What caught my ears is a certain guest, who claimed that the working generation nowadays are trying to balance work, ambition, hobby and relations at the same time. They are filled with drive to achieve and juggle as many as they could. My heart kind of sank slightly. Well, not just slightly. The situation I'm in now, there is not much I could juggle except my own work, my co-worker's work and my boss's wish (read: command). I have no time for hobbies, no social circle for much relation, no ambition to dream of (the more I dream, the more clearly I see that distance getting farther), but I have a lot of work (read: shit). Tomorrow is a public holidays. I would like to dedicate my prayers for a good afterlife to the sheep's whose lives are going to be ended for it.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Goodbye my Rose

It finally dawn on me that Rose has left me physically, for good (15/7/2013). She had a memorial service and a one day funeral at the place she called home for the last 15 years. I fought back all my tears and went on the day being busy over whatever needs to be done. Washing her carcass, draining her body fluid, blowing her fur dry, scenting her, setting up her resting place, praying and getting some blessed flowers from a temple, digging her grave, etc.. I practically had no time to be sad. Yet today, when I finally hold on to the fur I instructed zz to snip off from Rose, I realised that what I am holding on to, is the only physical thing left of Rose. At this point, my nose is heating up, tears welling up in my eyes. Thank you, Rose. You have unconditionally trusted me and brought me endless happiness. Even though you have left to find Apple, Ger Ger, Peter, Ah Orh, The Cemerlang Canines and your mountain of treats, you will live in my memory for good. I love you, Rose.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Spending on Credit means spending future money, if any

Today, I was topping up some clothes at FOX when I witness a disenchanted state of affairs. Two ladies in their mid twenties were in front of me in the queue. They saw the promotion for a certain bank's credit card at the counter and began to discuss on whether they have that particular bank's card. One of them whipped out a stack (that must have been 2 cm thick) of credit cardS. She lamented, 'I think I have that card, but I do not know whether I can use it because I have not paid off the bill'. Wow.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

I am not responsible for how you think

I am utterly upset with life again. I never wanted to feel sorry with myself, and I don't really feel sorry for others much. Martian struck again. Reason does not work on such a person - high (overly) self-esteem, egoistic, succumb to self-fulfilling prophecy, arrogant, stubborn-yet-low-IQ, lazy, name calling, high-and-mighty (when not worthy of), only likes to listen to nice things, cannot take criticism, impression manage. She asked me for help, I helped and added that she will need to pick up some pointers from my work (in that particular dealing) so that it will facilitate her future work. It was meant to be an encouragement to learn new things, but alas, it had to be taken to mean that I was scoffing at her low ability. To put things on record, if I meant to do what she perceived I was doing, it wouldhave been a hundred times more painful on the ear and the ego.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

No means a sportsman

I am by no means a sportsman, nor do I have any talent for athletic stuff. However, recently, I do feel that I suffer some kind of syndromes when I absent myself from some kind of exercise. Be it the evening jog, or the afternoon swim. For the past 3 days, I am devoid of physical training (either by weather, work or timing), and I find my mood kind of dull, I feel wasted, or rather I hope to waste some energy somehow. Today evening, the weather is great and I went for my farm mart route. Not a long trip, but a satisfying one nonetheless. I feel my endorphin waking up and I actually feel livelier, and i began to think of what I would like to do tomorrow.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Thursday, February 7, 2013


The romantic notion of friendship is no longer as valid. Perhaps it was never valid. Friends used to be or in my opinion should be frank and considerate towards each other's predicament and situation. If one knows his action (or inaction) will bear certain effects on his friend, he would have spent a slight effort to initiate an action, or not do something that might have ill-effects on his 'friend'. However, nowadays, I find myself constantly making myself available to friends who do not even bother to drop you a text message to say he is unable to turn up for something. In another words, he rather put you 'on hold' and perhaps 'available' to give himself a backup plan in case you are needed. Friends would not have treated you like a fool or take you for granted. Look you up when they need you, for play, for help, for whatever? I was recently treated like a prostitute on a hold list. A 'friend' asked to make plans for a trip, and and at the same time complained about another 'friend' who kept pestering him to go on another trip which 'he does not want to commit at that point in time'. Alas, when I contacted him to ask on the intended plans, I was shocked and bewildered when he said he will be going on that other trip he was not interested then. I felt like I was on the receiving end of some Weeting nonsense. I am disenchanted indeed.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Everything In The World

One night ago, I was at Qu Wanting concert. I expected no fanciful set up and spectacular dress and I was right. But because of the simple set up - of a few guitars, a white piano, a drum kit and a keyboard - I was able to enjoy her singing and feel her feelings at the purest possible.

That night, the song that touched me most was "Shell". Perhaps because of a similar experience.

I have nothing much to review about the concert because the entire show was about feeling the music, feeling the connection and being drenched in them.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My whole year wait has come to a nothing.

I am probably cancelling the trip next month. My whole year wait has come to a nothing. I feel extremely disappointed and upset, but who cares.

Everybody has their own agenda. This guy wants to show that he does not need that old hag; that old hag want to prove that she is no pullover.

Yes, all of you are almighty. You all have proven your point. But in the end, I will be the one will be condemned to the damned desk, listening to the damned phone, settling sh!t.