Thursday, February 7, 2013


The romantic notion of friendship is no longer as valid. Perhaps it was never valid. Friends used to be or in my opinion should be frank and considerate towards each other's predicament and situation. If one knows his action (or inaction) will bear certain effects on his friend, he would have spent a slight effort to initiate an action, or not do something that might have ill-effects on his 'friend'. However, nowadays, I find myself constantly making myself available to friends who do not even bother to drop you a text message to say he is unable to turn up for something. In another words, he rather put you 'on hold' and perhaps 'available' to give himself a backup plan in case you are needed. Friends would not have treated you like a fool or take you for granted. Look you up when they need you, for play, for help, for whatever? I was recently treated like a prostitute on a hold list. A 'friend' asked to make plans for a trip, and and at the same time complained about another 'friend' who kept pestering him to go on another trip which 'he does not want to commit at that point in time'. Alas, when I contacted him to ask on the intended plans, I was shocked and bewildered when he said he will be going on that other trip he was not interested then. I felt like I was on the receiving end of some Weeting nonsense. I am disenchanted indeed.

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