Wednesday, October 19, 2011



There was a time when boss got into trouble with authority-A and received an edict to appear in front of the court at a said date-A.

The boss knew that this case would mean a fine, which is fine, by the way. However, he could not attend the court session on the said date-A due to an overseas obligation. He asked his minion to try to settle the matter with authority-A without letting him know about his trip - as good as asking the minion to go to the casino without any chips.

Of course, the minion failed. Boss went to outsider for help as the outsider has links with the nobles. Boss asked for an out-of-court settlement, however, the outsider tried to be smart and asked for a total removal of the charge, which failed, by the way.

The minion told the boss that he would have to seek out authority-B and ask for the change of date. But the boss, oblivious to the minion's words, asked the outsider for help again. And the outsider - after speaking with authority-A - gave the boss a number to call, and the boss asked the minion to make the call. Alas, the number is the number to authority-B, albeit nobody answering for the whole day the minion called.

The minion continues his sad life trying to call.

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