Saturday, April 23, 2011

Events and its taste

In recent days, I went through traumatic, empathising and educational events.

The trauma came the day Rose got hit by a car. Her hinds were badly injured. The fortune of this incident is that there has been no fracture or any injury to the organs, just a bad dislocation requiring a long span of rest. Rose is now on painkiller for 4 days and antibiotics for weeks to come. Her laceration wounds (some stitched up) has to be cleaned, creamed and powdered at least twice daily. Rose also panted heavily yesterday before I left, however, after her heavy peeing (right after I changed her bedding), the panting reduced and she went to bed.

I later went for a run to prepare for IPPT. I ran two reps of 1.2km with a targeted timing of 5:30 each, with 3 minutes in between; I managed to do 5:00 and 5:15. Within the run, I got to feel how Rose might have felt when she panted. Adopting Rose's hardy characteristic, my legs carried me to the end of the route.

I also understood that speech is a dangerous thing. No matter how much importance you place in a speech, it might not matter to the listener because if s/he took it in another way, you will be sentenced. Dr Chee Soon Juan may have been saying things good for the nation, but no, boss felt offended, you go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200. So, yes, lesson learnt, next time, no matter how bad you see the situation, let it develop on its own.

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