Sunday, April 17, 2011

Angry rant

I might sound like a spoilt brat whose father refused to buy him a toy. The spoilt brat then rants his piece online.

I suggested to boss that we might be able to earn some bucks from buying and renting out a set of PA system. He told me that this require proper feasibility study, which I have been doing for the past few months. Alas, my hard work has been met with the most heartless reply - silence. To add insult to the injury, when a co-worker brought it up in office today, boss overtly rejected it, something he could have done to me and I wonder why he choosed not to to make me spend those time and eyesight on the screen looking at mackie, rcf, dbt, behringer, yamaha... sending enquiries and making trips to Sim Lim Square.

I am begining to hate every square inch of this place and I loathe having to respond to someone's calling with immediate speed and yet not being heard (or talked to, even if it is just to say 'no'). Remind: Spotlight 400W. I have reached trigger point, I am not going to trouble myself with more thankless venture.

Maybe I, forever, am just not good enough.

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