Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bad luck carried on

Bad luck continues. Today morning, on the way to work, I was involved in an accident, a traffic accident to be precise. Luckily, no one was injured except for a slight increase in my heartbeat and the taxi's passenger.

I was travelling along the AYE and as usual, everyone was trying to slow down, hopefully the last five minutes of ERP operation would pass in five seconds. There was a certain taxi, a blue one, in front of me and the driver was skewing toward the left, which was a filtering lane into the AYE, and that road will end in 100 metres. He kept two of the taxi's wheels in my lane and 80 percent of the taxi in the filtering lane. I became cautious of him.

He came back into my lane. After passing the ERP and getting robbed of $0.50, he suddenly slowed down dramatically, and there was no car in front of him. I jabbed my foot onto the brakes and my wheels locked and I drifted nearer and nearer into the taxi's bumper. Bang! I got him.

The uncle tried to highlight my fault that I was the driver at the rear and should be in the wrong and all the other bulls. And he blamed me for not looking out for him, to which, I replied by saying I've already took notice of him from the time he started moving into the filtering lane, and I asked him what he intended to claim from me, before which, I pointed to two spray-painted spots on the bumper and brought it to his attention that that was his own doings. He pointed to another spot on the bumper, to which I see nothing wrong. I used my palm and give it a wipe, and ask him what is wrong with that bumper? He could not give me a good one, and changed tactics to introduce himself as a very 'chin chye' person and wanted to just settle it for nothing. And I see this opportunity to end this tussle. It ended there and then, and I hope he keep to his words.

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