Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Be good to self at times

This is my second post for the day. I do not usually have so much to blog about in my boring life. BUT.. today has to be different. I have to be sabotaged by my own colleague, twice.

First the Holland Road boy boy from Malaysia has to drop me sarcastic emails requiring me to fix up a job incomplete by my supervisor. I do not know whether to side with my supervisor or show the surface empathy towards the client. In the end, I decided to push the blame abit on each side.

At this hour, my phone has to ring and it has to be Pui, calling to rant about how the security guard at Suntec refuses to let him carry out his job because... he did not wear proper footwear. Again, I do not know which side to stand - to agree with t he guard that they should have worn shoes, or to bitch at the guard with my colleague. I chose the easy way out again, 'chum siong with the guard see can anot, worse case, go back and wear shoes lor'.

And I am going to bed.

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