Thursday, January 27, 2011


'ah mm' refers to an elder uncle's wife. (Mandarin: 伯母.)
'mm poh' refers to an grand'elder uncle's wife. (Mandarin: 伯母婆.)

The LCD showed "Service Hall 2 - Tan Cheng". It was only then that mmpoh's name got engraved into my mind. After a short ritual, the whole lot of friends and relatives hurried into viewing gallery 2, to catch a final glimpse of mmpoh's coffin, draped with a red banner, pushed into the furnace with an automated trolley. Everyone called out to her, among which, one callout touched a chord in me:

'mm ar! ai der lin sun'ar dng chu hor!' - which translates to, 'Auntie! follow your grandsons home!'

I believed that call was made by mmpoh's eldest son, who died years back in a construction accident.

My memories of mmpoh was largely during the days back at Lorong Terigu. Peh Gong and Si Jek Gong's family lived adjacent my Ah Gong in zinc-roof houses. Ah Ma, Si Jim Poh and Mmpoh are typical housewives who discusses issues like groceries, kueh, fabrics and where to perm their hair. Mmpoh was not someone very closed to me personally, but she took good care of her grandsons when alive, and I believe even in her afterlife.

The last night of the wake was grand. People from all walks of life appeared, soldiers in uniform, office workers, social groups and even gangsters. All had one thing to do, i.e. to pay their respect to Madam Tan Cheng. The night was incense-infused.

On the final day, the sky was pouring on and off, as though crying for a bunch of sons, daughters and grandchildren who were holding back their tears. Though I profess, for the whole of yesterday, to be eating snake, I do not regret, because I get to send off a relative, for the final time.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Be good to self at times

This is my second post for the day. I do not usually have so much to blog about in my boring life. BUT.. today has to be different. I have to be sabotaged by my own colleague, twice.

First the Holland Road boy boy from Malaysia has to drop me sarcastic emails requiring me to fix up a job incomplete by my supervisor. I do not know whether to side with my supervisor or show the surface empathy towards the client. In the end, I decided to push the blame abit on each side.

At this hour, my phone has to ring and it has to be Pui, calling to rant about how the security guard at Suntec refuses to let him carry out his job because... he did not wear proper footwear. Again, I do not know which side to stand - to agree with t he guard that they should have worn shoes, or to bitch at the guard with my colleague. I chose the easy way out again, 'chum siong with the guard see can anot, worse case, go back and wear shoes lor'.

And I am going to bed.


I have a new realisation about the term 'selfish'. Not because everyone around me are selfish, that's actually a given and I accepted that long ago. I came to realise that selfishness can come in all styles, sometimes even subtly.

Most of the times, I like to choose to act as if I do not know what is going on and give that person a chance to move on.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sending Off

Why am I forever being cursed with having to send away my friends and families to the airport?

Today, I sent Chun to the airport. I sent away a friend.

On the positive side, I am sending a father back to a pair of siblings, a husband back to a waiting wife, a son back to his parents and a citizen back to the homeland.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Tiko's Mum

I hopped onto the lorry, knowing only that it was bound for Block 509. Which part of the land, let the driver decide.

To my delightful surprise, it arrived at a certain Blk 509 at Bedok - Tiko's house. Lift upgrading had been completed for the four-storied blocks. I bought a bag of mini oranges and went to Tiko's house. Auntie could not recognise me, until I repeated that I am 'Choa Chu Kang', or so she remembered me by that title.

It was like a meeting with a long lost friend. She asked about me as if an auntie from afar would when she visited. Time flies and I had to go, promising her I would visit for chinese new year.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Target board

I walked into a firing range.

Chamber 1
Firer no. 1: Angry Boss
Firer no. 2: Irritating Customer
Firer no. 3: Tantramic Colleague

Firers! Magazine of 5 rounds, load and ready...
100 metres, foxhole position, watch your front...

I morphed into a figure 11. The biggest possible human target in the range. Angry boss hurled abusive instructions to me. One round in my chest. Irritating customers fired another into my thigh. Help, I can't run. Tantramic colleague gave me a headshot.

Unload, check clear...