Monday, December 27, 2010

Tonight is special

Today is special. I took half a day off to feed the pups and dogs at the farm. Orange was disobedient, and I had woven a whip to discipline any one who dare to fight next time. I did not forget Rose, Daisy and Wang in Singapore. I bought three cans of treats, which should last them at least a month. I gave each of them a bone and a piece of hide. Rose almost had half a bone finished when I left today.

I got a call from Gohzi tonight. It was special to receive a call from a friend lost for at least a year. She called to thank me for the birthday and X'mas cards I sent her last week. I thought I heard her almost crying. But I think those should be happy tears. I am glad, for I know I still have a friend.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Blank perfection

If I could see my life (or the way I live it) as a piece of paper, I would like for it to be a blank piece of paper. Nothing written by myself, by others or by the situation.

If it has to be an organiser, I want it to have not a single entry, no timing to meet, no deadline to rush, no clients to meet, no gathering to attend.

I want my life not to be dictated by others, not guessed, not assumed, not manipulated.

I want my legs to bring me wherever I like, without an end destination. If I am lost, I want to enjoy being lost.

p.s. Onion said that I am not a bad person, but 'ruthless'.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dark ray

Onion told me - during my trip to vehicle servicing at Jackson and wife's shop - that I should just brush off certain pissing events as isolated, one-off incidents. But I told myself, I should not be overly concerned about other people's feeling.

I pictured a dark ray coming out of a cathode ray tube, shining towards a mirror. The light bounces off and got reflected to a few more mirrors. And the process is repeated.

Why should that mirror even prolong its stay in that position perpendicular to the incident? It got me thinking.

I am slightly affected that today, my colleague is showing an upset face. I tried to be concerned, but I think I am being a busy body, and for that, I was punished with a cold shoulder and more black face. Well, fine, lesson well learnt.

p.s. Where has Nini been the whole day?

Monday, December 13, 2010


As I returned from my Thailand trip, I have been thinking about the journey and of the perfect - at least perfect to me - lifestyle. I came to realised that I do not desire much in life. Not the 5C's not that perfect wife, not the soulmate, not really much.

No work stress. As I toured Ayutthaya, I see the simple life the people are leading. Not chasing after much and not needing much. And as a tourist in the Kingdom, I followed their 'sanuk' lifestyle. When I'm lost, I indulge in getting lost and seeing new things.

No complicated relations. With my best friend, we did all sorts of nonsensical things and need not worry about the looks of others. He released a fart into the face of a masseuse and I was not worried the masseuse would spout rubbish behind us because, partly, I think he would not and secondly, I do not care.

Well, if only reality were that good. But if everything is perfect, perfection, in itself, would be imperfect. Let me constantly remind myself to move towards that 'sanuk', carefree or couldn't-care-less, lifestyle. Life would not be lacking colours then, the colours merely got simpler.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I'm back..

to reality, which can be so cruel at times. To add insult to the injury, I have to receive a customer call the moment I board the taxi for home.

Talking about the good things of this trip. I am happy to be fortunate enough to celebrate, with the Thais, the birthday of His Majesty the King of Thailand Bhumiphol Adulyadej. Everyone dressed in pink t-shirt, which I later found out from Auntie Jintana that pink is for wishing of good health to the King of Thailand, who has been admitted to the hospital some time back. I wished I had a pink t-shirt, for I too, wanted to send some well wishes to the King...

Now, I am back in my work station, thinking about my next trip, not knowing when it will come...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Before I leave

In the final hours before setting off for the land of smiles' city of angels, I got 2 calls from the event planners of a customer. It was irritating. Very irritating. I wanted to give her a piece of my mind, but I do not want to mess up my own holiday mood.

I woke up the usual time this morning and could not get back to sleep again. I hope I can make up for some eye-shut later on the plane. Some inauspicious thought ran through my mind last night when I left in the longing gaze of Rose. Will I be caught in an aircraft accident? Or will I meet with some mishap in the foreign land?

Before I left, I fed Nini-the-cat her favourite pouched fish, patted Rose, Daisy and Ah-Wang, paying particular attention to Rose, the old lady. Topped up the dog's food container. Bought a new pack of Nini's dry food and 3 rows of pouched fish.

What I will worry about? Will Rose be scared dead in another thunderstorm? Will Nini have enough water to drink, lest she drink from the waste water pail? Will there be people feeding Daisy when Ah-Wang finishes her food? Will there be someone opening the gate, asking Ah-Wang to return to the warehouse and not roam outside?

I will return.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Geh Zhua

There is something call Geh Zhua. And there is something call failed Geh Zhua. Someone tried to act like she is a good customer service personnel. But she tried to hard. Anyway, ok.. Just a joke for my morning.