Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ugly Driver

I always think that I am not a very good driver. I lost my way, I speed at times, I throw rubbish out of the window (when no one is looking, my passenger is guilty of the same) and the list can go on. But I am quite certain I am not the worse driver in Singapore.

Every evening, I can witness deliberate attempts to cut/jump queue. To name one spot, it is Clementi Avenue 6. I can empathise with people not willing to give way to vehicles changing lanes, even though it wasn't an attempt to cut queue (you can tell, trust me). Myself, I would give way to people who made an attempt to change lane to get into the queue early, and that they signal their intentions, else, forget it.

Today, I sounded the horn at a Hipporolla driver who attempts to magically change from lane 1 to lane 2 while turning into Bt Batok Road from PIE(without signalling, of course), sending him back to his lane 1, and I had full satisfaction doing what I did.

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